So, my company has informed me that we'll be moving from the north shore to the O hare area. I'm none too happy about this, since I've been working in the Niles/Glenview area for almost 5 years, and have been commuting by bike or by bike/train.

So, our proposed new address is the the industrial park immediately west of O' Hare, on Lunt between Elmhurst Rd and Busse Rd. I live in Andersonville. 

Google maps is proposing:

1.Heading west on balmoral/berwyn, eventually snaking north to Bryn Mawr.  (already do this to get to the Forest Glen station.)

2. Taking the snaking route to get to the forest glen Metra station. (this is where my usual current commute ends.)

3.) Take Elston NW to Raven, then pick up Northwest HWY. Then W on Devon, then NW on Avondale Ave. 

4. Avondale Ave to BellePlaine, then NW on Talcott.

Here's where I get scared. From Talcott, it's telling me to take Touhy westbound. I did a Google maps street view, and it's very intimidating seeing 3 lane stretches with 45 mph speed limits (which means people are probably going 50-55. 

Has anyone here actually rode their bike through that stretch of Touhy?

Alternatively, I could ride to the Rosemont CTA/PACE hub and catch the Pace # 223, which would essentially ferry me across that crazy stretch of touhy and drop me off at touhy and elmhurst. I would hate to pay $1.75 for 10 minutes of a bus ride, though.

Ideas? Thanks in advance!

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That's the problem on the NW side... There are no really good ways to go West / East. All the bike trails seem to run North / South.

I live on the west side of O'Hare, and there really isn't a great route going west-east... What I've settled on being safest is take Elmhurst Road/83 sidewalk (I rarely ride on sidewalks) to get over the i90. Then I ride Oakton to just past Wolf (take residential side streets up to Algonquin). That's generally how I get to the Des Plains River Trail.

The section of Touhy you mention is as bad as it looks. Once was enough for me. 

I walked to O'Hare last summer. We strolled right up to Terminal 5.

Don't take Touhy under 294 over the river out there. Devon is much better although not fantastic. My mom lives a few blocks east of Allstate Arena and I take Bryn Mawr to Talcott to Devon to get there. Avoid Higgins as well. 

Try this route. From my knowledge of those streets this is your safest route. You can cross Mannheim at Howard but Google maps won't let me show it correctly. The other big challenge out there is getting across the railroad tracks that are between Wolf and Mt Prospect Roads. Howard is your best bet since Touhy is essentially an expressway out there. Once you're on Elmhurst heading south you may want to take the sidewalk. 

Without being creepy... do your parents live in the little neighborhood directly across from the Target/Allstate??? That's where I grew up! 

I wouldn't really suggest riding Touhy there. Although usually, quite frankly, when I ride around there, I use the sidewalks. I may not be twelve but I feel scared like a twelve year old riding on Touhy/devon/higgins/etc... Cars don't even fathom that a bike MIGHT be there. 

Rich S said:

Don't take Touhy under 294 over the river out there. Devon is much better although not fantastic. My mom lives a few blocks east of Allstate Arena and I take Bryn Mawr to Talcott to Devon to get there. Avoid Higgins as well. 

Try this route. From my knowledge of those streets this is your safest route. You can cross Mannheim at Howard but Google maps won't let me show it correctly. The other big challenge out there is getting across the railroad tracks that are between Wolf and Mt Prospect Roads. Howard is your best bet since Touhy is essentially an expressway out there. Once you're on Elmhurst heading south you may want to take the sidewalk. 

My condolences.   I've been looking for a good route north of O'hare to get to Busse Woods for years and never found one.

? We walked from Ukranian Village.

peter moormann said:

Walking from CTA or Taxi doesnt count as walking "to " the airport.

Alex Z said:

I walked to O'Hare last summer. We strolled right up to Terminal 5.

Bummer, Jim. I think Devon is your best bet to get out of park ridge. Then the neighborhood up to Howard, then get accross Mannheim somehow. That's really a terrible area to ride, no matter how you cut it. You could leave your bike at my house in park ridge and take a bus if you wanted.

I'd be willing to try this one out with you. I know the area east of Elmhurst Rd really well and somewhat familiar west of Elmhurst. The only bad thing is I did google street view to refresh my memory of Elmhurst going over 90 and the sidewalk/shoulder whatever you want to call it looks scary as crap. Especially with the highway entrance and exits. I'd be comfortable riding this route other than that one mile stretch on Elmhurst Rd.

envane (69 furlongs) said:

My condolences.   I've been looking for a good route north of O'hare to get to Busse Woods for years and never found one.

Yeah, this is a huge bummer. Also, this is a new job for me; and, they didn't bother to mention this whole moving thing during the interview at all. I'm a pretty hardy rider, but some stretches are still a little hairy for me. Researching the PACE bus!

It's possible to ride to O'Hare, I did it a few times to leave on a plane.

This was before the Blue Line went to O'Hare.

peter moormann said:

Airport vicinities always tend to be inaccessible  to bikes/ pedestrians .

When was the last time you rode a bike or walked to O'Hare?

I dont think its possible.

Ditto, I'm more than happy to go putz around and help find the best route. I'm not far from the airport. Btw, I fixed the portion from Elmhurst Rd to Busse for you.  Elk Grove Blvd is a marked bike route because of the Salt Creek Trail, so you might as well keep it direct.

Rich S said:

I'd be willing to try this one out with you. I know the area east of Elmhurst Rd really well and somewhat familiar west of Elmhurst. The only bad thing is I did google street view to refresh my memory of Elmhurst going over 90 and the sidewalk/shoulder whatever you want to call it looks scary as crap. Especially with the highway entrance and exits. I'd be comfortable riding this route other than that one mile stretch on Elmhurst Rd.



Coming from where? I can probably give you a decent route to take...

envane (69 furlongs) said:

My condolences.   I've been looking for a good route north of O'hare to get to Busse Woods for years and never found one.


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