Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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I am pretty sure I saw J.A.W. on Wabansia just south of Armitage this morning at about 10:30. Looked like his face. I was so covered up that I am sure I was unrecognizable!

Neat horn; who was the maker?

I saw a 600cc Arctic Cat snowmobile salmoning on Evergreen east of Damen.

nice one Kevin. Was it carbon fiber ? was the driver wearing spandex !

It was not carbon fiber (fiberglass). Rider may have been wearing spandex under his snowmobiling suit. I did have the presence of mind to hold my arm up at a right angle with a clenched fist to signify that there were no additional riders behind me (snowmobile trail etiquette).

dan brown said:

nice one Kevin. Was it carbon fiber ? was the driver wearing spandex !

Happy New Year!  New goals!!

Who did you see and if you did how would you know? 

I rarely see anyone I know on my daily commute, but this evening I happened into ATA Crash Support Program Manager Jason Jenkins on the border of the Humboldt Park & East Garfield Park neighborhoods.

I saw the lovely and talented Kellie.

yesterday I saw Julie outside City Hall. I wasn't cycling; but I was wasn't driving either (I was walking and eating soup).

Scary this thread is almost 4 years old...

Dan, I had no idea you were so talented as to be able to walk and eat soup at the same time!

dan brown said:

yesterday I saw Julie outside City Hall. I wasn't cycling; but I was wasn't driving either (I was walking and eating soup).


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