Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I took the train again today. No riding at all this week, except to the Metra. Today I gave a bandage to a woman on the train who'd fallen on some black ice on her way to the train. I don't believe she was on a bike when she fell.

Yeah, that was dreadful last night. A lot of patches of ice, snowing, dark. And all this traffic. Ended up taking California since the N/S Channel trail was in pretty bad shape south of Devon.  I don't think I am up for this anymore. Just not enjoyable.

Studded tires are a pretty hefty investment. My 20 inchers for my folding bike were about $140. They are absolutely amazing! One rainy ice storm I couldn't even walk without sliding down the gentle crown of my driveway. I jumped on the clown bike and took it for a spin without a problem. I put them on every Thanksgiving now, they add a lot of confidence to my daily commute. 
J.P. said:

Yeah, that was dreadful last night. A lot of patches of ice, snowing, dark. And all this traffic. Ended up taking California since the N/S Channel trail was in pretty bad shape south of Devon.  I don't think I am up for this anymore. Just not enjoyable.

hmm..I rode Clark from Uptown to the loop to and from work yesterday and had no problems at all. Obviously plowing/salting is unequal.

Biked home at 11 last night. That was bone chilling cold.  Had four layers on. I can't imagine biking in this weather without really good technical biking clothes.  

What a beautiful day. Windy, but at least there's sun (or there was this morning). Foolishly I thought I'd try the North Shore Channel Trail on the off chance it might be ridable--of course it was covered with snow. But it was nice to ride to the trail and back on Granville and then around town for some errands.

I'm getting better at riding in the winter.
Rode 20 miles today and did not get cold feet.
Wool socks and work boots with foot covers did the trick this time.
My right foot got a little cold but nothing like the past 4 times.
I'm thinking I need plastic bags on my socks?
I did manage to stay a lot warmer though!

It was really comfortable last night and this morning. Shocked I only saw one other cyclist on my morning commute. Polar Vortex?

Great commute to the office this morning with the tailwind. Definitely savored it, because I don't know the next time Chiberia is going to enjoy 30 degree weather.

Yep. Nice Divvy commute.

Wow! Awesome commute day. Thanks MLK jr and Mother Nature. Roads were really nice comparatively I saws few folks going east on the Roose and even a guy on Ogden. Fewest pedestrians walking in the bike lane in a while.

Agreed. Easy ride in. May be my last in a few days.

JM 6.5 said:

Great commute to the office this morning with the tailwind. Definitely savored it, because I don't know the next time Chiberia is going to enjoy 30 degree weather.


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