Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Phew! How are the chickens?

Duppie said:

Nope. Working from home. Went out to check on the chickens dressed only in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and promptly locked myself out. Luckily, Mrs. Duppie was home and saved me from becoming a statistic...

It was ok not too bad. My hands and feet started to feel it after mile 3 and the roads were terrible. Fishtail city man...

The chickens are fine. They are cooped up all day on days like today. Their coop is insulated, so it is a balmy 18 degrees in there. They just sit on the roost with their feathers puffed up. We just need to change their water 2-3 times a day.

While 16 degrees might sound cold for chickens, they usually go outside for extended periods when it is 16 degrees, so they are used to that.

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

Phew! How are the chickens?

Duppie said:

Nope. Working from home. Went out to check on the chickens dressed only in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and promptly locked myself out. Luckily, Mrs. Duppie was home and saved me from becoming a statistic...

I rode in.  Just 3 miles.  Overdressed quite a bit and started sweating after a mile.  I didn't have any technical problems besides not being able to shift toward the end.  Saw 4 other cyclists out there.  Woohoo!


Jenny T said:

I rode in.  Just 3 miles.  Overdressed quite a bit and started sweating after a mile.  I didn't have any technical problems besides not being able to shift toward the end.  Saw 4 other cyclists out there.  Woohoo!

Yes, let's see that video!

Chi Lowe said:

Safe and sound after 2.54mi to a (virtually empty) NextSpace River North.  May ride up to Wicker for a taco and a haircut later.  The Dearborn bike lane is... textured.  Video to come for those who missed their commutes.  Did not overdress, did not get cold.

I LOL'ed at this. :D Great visual!

Chi Lowe said:

The Dearborn bike lane is... textured.

It's ok out. At least the sun is shining.

Duppie, no heated waterer? It saves us the trouble of opening up our coop on the most frigid days and keeps the warmth inside.

We thought about it, but the last few winters we were pretty lucky, with the water being frozen only a handful times. I guess this winter is a good reminder.

And we do have an incandescent light bulb in the coop which gives off a fair amount of heat.

Anika said:

It's ok out. At least the sun is shining.

Duppie, no heated waterer? It saves us the trouble of opening up our coop on the most frigid days and keeps the warmth inside.

Errands aren't going to run themselves!

Here's a link to how I dressed for today:

I feel bad for the Jimmy Johns bikers by my work. Some of them didn't even have scarves or decent gloves. 


h' 1.0 said:

Wow. Do you have a picture of your sound system?

Chi Lowe said:

If you missed your commute, here's 5 minutes of mine.

I rode for 1 hour on the computrainer at HPI. No outdoor hardpan points but it is sure working on fitness for the upcoming gravel races


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