What is/are your New Year's Resolutions involving biking?

Some of us make new year's resolutions while others of us should. Just curious who is aiming for something bike related this upcoming year. Triathlon in your future? Ride a certain amount of miles? Build a bike from scratch? Commute more on your bike?

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Purchasing a touring type bicicleta. Using said touring bike to do weekend trips and build up to longer journeys.

Slow down. Ride less aggressively.

Increase my "home mechanic" and "road mechanic" skill set.

Fix an old girls bike that was my sisters and get my girlfriend on it.

>Complete the Great Lakes Brevet Series, including the 600k.

>Not try to complete the Wisc. Triple Crown AND the brevet series simultaneously. Doesn't work (for me) after trying 2 years in a row and completing neither due to knee pain.

>Find a way to work in a decent amount of everyday cycling now that I am expected to work from home and the 24-mile round trip to the office is a thing of the past.

Hopefully, get started riding by April, weather permitting.


- Expand my bike maintenance skill set

- Thank my every-patient wife for supporting my cycling by:

 -- making an effort to talk about things that aren't bikes

 -- replacing our 13-year-old car


David Altenburg said:

- Thank my every-patient wife for supporting my cycling by:

 -- making an effort to talk about things that aren't bikes

 -- replacing our 13-year-old car

Nothing ambitious about that list. ;)

Julie Hochstadter said:

Bumping this... 

- Not just signing up, but actually doing a triathlon

- Doing a few centuries and/or RAGBRAI (didn't do any in 2013)

- Doing the entire PWP training series

- Getting healthier (eating well and getting more miles on the bike)

- Doing more social rides and events

- Doing at least one training ride a week in summer

- Doing at least one crit and CX race 

- Doing at least one camping ride


- Calling my dad everyday to say hi

- Finishing my wedding album

- Spending more time with my nieces and nephews

1. Ride the first section of the Cal Sag Trail when it's open.

2. Lead at least 1 or 2 rides in sections of the city and suburbs where I haven't led a ride in the last few years.

3. Visit the Botanic Garden by bike - something I haven't done since the move to Beverly.

4. Get in more bike commute days next summer.

Don't push yourself too hard now. I know reaching for that remote can sometimes cause an old ache or pain to reassert itself.

Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles said:

To maybe ride a bike.

Ride more often. Do more centuries. Do an overnight ride. Love my bikes. 

Be more forgiving of other road users who make mistakes. Ride more long distance rides. Volunteer more.


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