1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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You have completely  lost your parallel parking skills you once were so proud of.

You pack a towel in your bike bag, not to clean yourself up before work, but to put down under your bike so it doesn't leave a muddy, salty stain on the carpet at the office. 

My co-worker uses leftover cardboard!

Reba 4.0 mi said:

You pack a towel in your bike bag, not to clean yourself up before work, but to put down under your bike so it doesn't leave a muddy, salty stain on the carpet at the office. 

Your loved ones only get you bike-related presents and it is the best thing ever. :-)

You think Carbon Fiber is "Sexah"

So what you're saying is I'm not a cyclist?

Mark said:

You think Carbon Fiber is "Sexah"

I am planning on starting a thread showing off this year's gifts,  Based on this thread, but for the whole year.

I already took the photos and just need to post.


Yasmeen said:

Your loved ones only get you bike-related presents and it is the best thing ever. :-)

You leave your bike overnight at your favorite, trusted LBS for a check-up and clean-up and you miss not seeing it in its spot and worry that it is okay.

Totally.  My kitchen looks bare when I leave a bike overnight somewhere else.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

You leave your bike overnight at your favorite, trusted LBS for a check-up and clean-up and you miss not seeing it in its spot and worry that it is okay.

You step outside your door and see your bike is not there, your heart rate increases, your breathing quickens, you sweat, you get a metallic taste in your mouth, your vision blurs, your legs get rubbery, your vision blurs, you fumble for your your phone to report grand theft bike, then you remember and your neighbor asks if you are OK and you reply, "Yeah, just too much coffee this morning."

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

You leave your bike overnight at your favorite, trusted LBS for a check-up and clean-up and you miss not seeing it in its spot and worry that it is okay.

When it feels so weird to leave your house without your bike. I swear it takes me a good 10 - 15 minutes to get used to walking around without it because I'm stuck with that nagging feeling that I'm missing something. 

A lot of my bike-habits bleed over into my non-biking life:

- When walking, I toss a lot of over-the-shoulder glances behind me when I am about to walk around a slower pedestrian and when I re-enter their "line." I haven't started announcing my presence, though.

- When driving, I tend to manage my speed around corners the way I might on my bike, taking them unnecessarily slowly. I'm also more highly attuned to how heavy the machine around me really is.  


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