How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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I saw one once I got on Lincoln near Leland and that was it for the commute. But it was early, about 7am. 

I saw 3 other riders...all in Evanston. I wonder about tomorrow Since they are calling for more snow tonight.


Holy shennanigans! Did my super abbreviated ride this am and saw a cyclist on that side road (parallel to 290) while going south bound on Damen toward Ogden.

Btw - roads at 7:00 am ish are way treacherous and the cars are driving awkwardly with the salt dried cloudy glass. Actual temp and snow not as bad as talked up by weather folk.


!!!!!!!!! ;)

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

Actual temp and snow not as bad as talked up by weather folk.

very surprised this am to see so few people. Took the LFP from Wilson to Fullerton, then the zoo pkg lot (path was closed farther south) to North, and North to the Merch Mart.  From Wilson to Division I didn't pass a single biker..don't ever remember seeing that. And then saw three bikers after that..this was at 8:45. There was so much hysteria about the weather that people got scared.

LFP was beautiful this am. No wind and was well plowed till I got to Fullterton when they made us exit. Looks like they didn't plow farther South.

Three on Milwaukee, two on Kinzie, none on Dearborn from 7:30 or so to about 7:50.

Hey! To the guy I saw biking this am on the Roose going westbound with me into the wind. Thanks for letting me pass on your left and let's hope we have a tailwind later. 1 degree according to the temp on the bank display.

Besides him and me. No one on Wabash / Roose / Ogden

I saw 2 bikers on Lawrence and another 2 on Lincoln this morning. I think it's nice how cyclists tend to acknowledge each other this time of year. Noticed 1 degree on the bank I passed too. 

i saw 8, couple on damen,  milwaukee and on dearborn, rather suprised. With there being so few riders it is easy to notice the same people from day to day.

Zero at 6:45 this morning on Division, Damen, Cortland and Clybourn. Second day commuting by Divvy. I notice motorists give me more respect when I am on a Divvy. Maybe cause they are crusher bikes?


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