Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I'm getting some serious Clown Anemonefish here... but Google reverse image search doesn't agree:

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Here is the "I rode today" component again.  Love you dug, but this is the "I rode today" thread!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

Had to go back three pages to bump Gene's inspiring "I rode today" photos. 
Gene Tenner said:

I was tired today (actually slept until my alarm went off, and it was set late), and would have bailed on the ride in except it was so dang warm. I took it easy rode at a "walk" pace going home. Awesome tailwind.

Yes.  Much colder but I was happy to see the streets were not icy.  I was expecting bad roads.

Has anyone else called 311 on the traffic signal crossing Lake Shore Drive at Jackson?  The city-side pedestrian button is broken and you can't get a walk signal to cross the road.

Yikes the rode home was chilly - into the wind to go northwest. Much of the ride, I was behind someone with bar mitts, which was making me jealous. Then I got home to discover that my wonderful wife picked up a big box of hand warmers at Costo. ($15 for 40). 

I ended up going straight into the wind both to work and on the way home. Not many complaints from me, mostly the legs. Also, drivers seemed to be on edge again. Quick changes in temperature really seems to affect everyone. Any psychologists out there have some insight?

Saw one cyclist down at Damen/Superior around 6:45 pm. A car was stopped and lots of people were attending, so I did not stop to crowd the situation. Hope everything is ok. 

To and from the office, to and from spin class.  The wind was brutal.  Forgot my shoe covers and balaclava.  BRRRRR...

Ride home was incredibly slow, although I have ridden in worse wind.  I wasn't cold, but maybe the cold weathernjust slows me down.  And when I am slow, I am reeeeeally slow!

You might call anyway; it could be that getting multiple calls on an issue increases the chance of response?

Tricolor said:

Has anyone else called 311 on the traffic signal crossing Lake Shore Drive at Jackson?  The city-side pedestrian button is broken and you can't get a walk signal to cross the road.

It was working yesterday around 5:00 PM.

Alex Z said:

You might call anyway; it could be that getting multiple calls on an issue increases the chance of response?

Tricolor said:

Has anyone else called 311 on the traffic signal crossing Lake Shore Drive at Jackson?  The city-side pedestrian button is broken and you can't get a walk signal to cross the road.

This morning nice ride on lakefront.  Nice tailwind from the North.

Saw some crazy driver almost tip over his car today. Not quite sure exactly how it happened and how he didn't tip over. Right by that funny Milwaukee/Wrightwood intersection. I'm really glad I was at the light and he was far away from me. He was going way too fast. Never seen anything like it... and that's why I try not to go on red lights especially if I can't see over the cars. There are some crazy people out there.


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