"There are probably a million dedicated cyclists in this country, bent on taking over a quarter or a third of the nation’s road space, built at the price of, let us repeat, trillions"


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For many conservatives, I suppose, it's simple: outweighing all of the positives that might be associated with cycling are the people associated with cycling. Witness: yet another circle jerk on the chainlink, taunting anyone who doesn't pass the bluer than blue political litmus test. It's a shame but getting on a bike isn't enough around here.

Christopher Warland said:

I've always wondered why conservatives don't absolutely love transportation bicycling, since it embodies so many of the values they espouse: thrift, discipline, self-sufficiency, and a mild contempt for any effort to regulate them.

Eh. I've disliked conservatives for a hell of a lot longer than I've been biking, as for reasons that have very little to do with cycling but matter a lot to me.

reminder the american mainstream political spectrum is a sectarian pantomime and "conservative" and "liberal" don't refer to coherent sets of principles sooooooOOoooo 

A good summary of the problem: I was responding to another post, i.e., having a discussion. You don't want conversation, you want a pep rally with everyone chanting the same fight song. Anyone with the audacity to stray from the lib/prog orthodoxy can expect a thrashing.

I found a shiny utensil near my humble abode

Now on my bike rack it adds to my load

Being flattened and bent

It's not fit for a gent

But it fascinates me, 'twas a fork in the road.

In my conservative world, I'd as soon that what mattered was that we're all on bikes, not whether we tend to take the left or right fork. Inasmuch as 'taunt' means a remark made in order to provoke, you're correct. I hope it does provoke a little thought. Maybe even some discussion. Possibly even a little tolerance (gasp) for a wider range of cyclists.

The chainlink fight song:

Lean to the left,

Lean to the left,

Stand up, sit down,

Fight the right!

Jeff Schneider said:

Really, who is doing the taunting here?  If you have an opinion about the discussion topic, why don't you have fun sharing it (as we have been doing), rather than attacking the other posters?

Reboot Oxnard said:

For many conservatives, I suppose, it's simple: outweighing all of the positives that might be associated with cycling are the people associated with cycling. Witness: yet another circle jerk on the chainlink, taunting anyone who doesn't pass the bluer than blue political litmus test. It's a shame but getting on a bike isn't enough around here.

Christopher Warland said:

I've always wondered why conservatives don't absolutely love transportation bicycling, since it embodies so many of the values they espouse: thrift, discipline, self-sufficiency, and a mild contempt for any effort to regulate them.

the chainlink: keeping conservatives off bicycles, somehow. dangit julie why'd you have to invent carkultur 

My favorite part of the article was how all of us cyclists were from the rich privileged class. Umm I wish I had that problem.

Have to agree with Reboot, and I realise that my "yet another post about anti-cycling Opinion articles" has instantly polarized our potential for discussion here. I regret titling it "a Conservatives' view", it could be anyone's view, it just happened to be posted on a site that claims to have a Conservative viewpoint. Even National Socialists can be cyclists, as can Communists. If there is a Fight Song for the Chainlink, let it be in the words of Eddy Merckx: "Ride lots".

"...You don't want conversation, you want a pep rally with everyone chanting the same fight song. Anyone with the audacity to stray from the lib/prog orthodoxy can expect a thrashing."

Reboot Oxnard said:

For many conservatives, I suppose, it's simple: outweighing all of the positives that might be associated with cycling are the people associated with cycling. Witness: yet another circle jerk on the chainlink, taunting anyone who doesn't pass the bluer than blue political litmus test. It's a shame but getting on a bike isn't enough around here.

Christopher Warland said:

I've always wondered why conservatives don't absolutely love transportation bicycling, since it embodies so many of the values they espouse: thrift, discipline, self-sufficiency, and a mild contempt for any effort to regulate them.


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