I'm compiling a gift guide to sustainable-transportation-related products, things for the walking, biking and transit enthusiast on your list. Any suggestions for locally-made products I should include, especially stuff that's new this year?

Here's last year's guide: http://newcity.com/2012/12/18/checkerboard-city-a-holiday-express-g...


John Greenfield

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Sorry, it's not that kind of gift guide!

Great suggestions! What is LBS? We're you thinking of the League of Illinois Bicyclists?

Local bike shop

John Greenfield said:

Great suggestions! What is LBS? We're you thinking of the League of Illinois Bicyclists?

LBS = Local Bike Shop.

John Greenfield said:

Great suggestions! What is LBS? We're you thinking of the League of Illinois Bicyclists?

[Slapping forehead] Of course!

Brilliant! But I always just grow a beard for winter anyway.

Do I have the best idea ever, John! [wink, wink] How about a gift card to the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store so people can install the Chicago Bike Guide, an app that gives bike route directions, shows Divvy availability, and provides the only mobile reader for Chainlink events and new discussion topics. 

Not a bad idea Steven!


I just heard about an app that tells you about the history of a location as you get close to it via gps.  Not so good for cyclists (although they market to them too) but great for walkers and public transit users to learn the history of their city.

Steven Vance said:

Do I have the best idea ever, John! [wink, wink] How about a gift card to the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store so people can install the Chicago Bike Guide, an app that gives bike route directions, shows Divvy availability, and provides the only mobile reader for Chainlink events and new discussion topics. 

Well John, How about a Quality Hand-built City Bike, made in Chicago from Legacy Frameworks

Makes a  great gift, for yourself or others. 

Thanks Legacy Frameworks, I'll check out your site.

Finally made it Android compatible?  About time, installing now.

Steven Vance said:

Do I have the best idea ever, John! [wink, wink] How about a gift card to the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store so people can install the Chicago Bike Guide, an app that gives bike route directions, shows Divvy availability, and provides the only mobile reader for Chainlink events and new discussion topics. 


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