Tomorrow's forecast is 90 to 100% chance of rain.  The National Weather Service (forecasts always to be taken with a grain of salt) says 1 to 2 inches of rain, 30 mph wind gusts and thunder.

I am thinking Divvy might be my bike du jour if I find it is not raining when I want to ride. I love that option!

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I was expecting to take the train this morning, but saw nothing too ominous in the hourly forecast until mid-afternoon, so I rode. I'll do the same Thursday, but my favorite weather summary suggests it might be messy. If I do manage to ride, the ride home should be nice though. Look at that wind forecast!

I am just hoping that it actually rains this afternoon so that I can feel happy that I didn't ride in this morning, instead of sad.

Definitely not tomorrow. Cannot wait till Friday!

I have :


full fenders

waterproof panniers

work clothes at work

and I will pack extra (dry) shoes if necessary; so I have no excuse for taking the CTA.

bring it on...




Skip, I like that forecasting site, too.  It is usually pretty accurate.  I hope it is wrong as to when the rain is going to start today, though, since I have to go somewhere from work and won't be riding home until about 7.


But it sounds so . . . . .WET

dan brown said:

I have :


full fenders

waterproof panniers

work clothes at work

and I will pack extra (dry) shoes if necessary; so I have no excuse for taking the CTA.

bring it on...




I god I need to get fenders and I don't have time to get fenders.  I'm supposed to bike from Lakeview to Rosemont for a late night showing of Ender's Game.

I had some wonderful one's on my previous bike, but that one got stolen, alas.

I plan to ride.  Guess I'll be getting soggy.

I've been thinking about getting some chaps for my legs, as that is the only part that sucks to get wet for me. 


Best case scenario, I might Divvy it part of the way home.

Yes. I'll be breaking out my new waterproof pants

I brought my rain clothes just in case today, but if it's raining tomorrow morning I'll take the train.  If there's a decent window to get into town I'll probably ride.  Wet ground and puddles are no problem; fenders rule like that.

Please report.  Also, igz, if you are reading this, please report on your new Glacier gloves.

David Altenburg said:

Yes. I'll be breaking out my new waterproof pants

I might end up trying that new Ventra card that I have not yet used.
Tricolor said:

I brought my rain clothes just in case today, but if it's raining tomorrow morning I'll take the train.  If there's a decent window to get into town I'll probably ride.  Wet ground and puddles are no problem; fenders rule like that.


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