This web page of the bike federation of Wisconsin discusses a proposed ordinance that may reduce the number of bike rides organized in Iowa County (Dodgeville and surrounding areas in Wisconsin). Among the rides that could be affected: Quadrupedal Century, Horribly Hilly Hundreds, Dairyland Dare, Wright Stuff Century. It may be good to show the commissioner how many people go to Wisconsin to attend these events and what is the impact they have on the local economy by staying in hotels, eating at restaurants, buying gas. While some of the concerns of the people complaining about the riders in these events may be correct (how many times do the organizers invite you to ride single file when cars area approaching, not to litter and to use the portapotties instead of the fields ?), this ordinance is very shortsighted. Some polite letters from out of state riders could help making sure that the commissioner would consider working with the organizers of the rides and amend the ordinance. I am sure that there are many cyclists on the Chainlink that attend these rides and that would be very annoyed if they were canceled (or would just start going elsewhere).

PS No I am not an organizer or have any other vested interest in this other than the fact that I love going cycling in that area of Wisconsin.

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Lame.  A large majority of my family grew up and still lives in Iowa county.  I was unaware of all the races/events that occur there.  Beautiful countryside, no doubt. I'm not surprised that this would happen...because any nuisance  , complaints, or issues...will be amplified...cuz...well...nothing else really happens here...besides anything out of the norm stands out wayyy more. A very tight knit community...don't piss off the farmers!  Everyone knows each other, talks to each other, and will be aware of anything out of the norm. 

I agree, they may not realize the financial impact these races have.  Even though I've never attended any of these races...I would hate to have anyone not be able to enjoy such an amazing countryside...

I've shared this with Chicago Cycling Club. That will probably generate some letters.


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