Hey Humans! What are your biggest pet peeves as a human cyclist?

(just curious to see if this discussion ends up being dominated by non-humans :-)

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How could this bother anybody 

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Possibly this guy:

Peenworm "8 mile" Grubologist said:

How could this bother anybody 

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

everyone else.

They see me rollin... they hatin....

Aliens on Bikes

As a human, my biggest pet peeve is dogs on bikes.

Look at him being all smug. Only human bicyclists are allowed to be smug.


Jennifer on the lake said:

As we approach fall I'm looking for the wet leaves on the side roads to not be fun, but it does give you a refresher of how to riding in snow and ice.


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