The Chainlink

Bike Thief PHOTO: stealing Red Specialized @ 165 N Canal 9/23

Forwarded from a friend. She wasn't able to do enough to stop him, but did get a photo of a man stealing a bike across from 165 N Canal.

Apparently, he took the tire off the bike that was locked via ulock to a pole, put a new one on and rode away.

Stray Observations:

  1. Pass this on to people you know who had a bike (or tire) stolen yesterday. Perhaps it will bring them joy, anger, closure or all of the above.
  2. PLEASE LOCK YOUR BIKE BETTER. Holy crap people. Resource:
  3. He obviously stole a front tire from another bike and then helped himself which totally settles the "what the hell do these people do with one tire"question I've always had.
  4. Memorize this face and if you see him walking around with a bike part, call the police and start yelling at him so people will start looking. (Insert warning about being REALLY SURE THIS IS THE SAME PERSON - the missing front teeth and glasses are helpful.)
  5. Please don't do the chainlink troll thing and yell about my friend not chaining herself to the bike and pulling a batman on this crook. You weren't there, you don't know my friend and until you earn some sincere bike thief vigilante street cred - shut up.

Sorry if # 4 was ugly or presumptuous. I'm just tired of the non constructive discussions and honestly don't have time for it.


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Unfortunately there's not a damn thing you can do with a picture of a guy allegedly stealing a bike in Chicago city limits. Your only option is to intervene as it's happening.


David Barish said:

Wow. I happened upon this thread.  I see a picture of a guy stealing a bike and hoped to see an on line discussion of how the picture is helping catch the bad guy and reunite the bike owner with his/her lost bike.  Instead I see a discussion of how the guy should have been shot and  a policy debate.  I have a strong opinion in that regard and will keep it to myself because it does not matter  for this thread.  Lets assume the thief was not shot and that Rebecca had a camera phone as her weapon. ok, lets move  on.  Do the Police have this picture?  Has  anybody seen the guy?  Are we helping anything like this community has done in the past where on line CSI has helped reconstruct accidents?  Just wondering. 

I dont want to contribute to this thread except to note that a shot to the leg can be fatal in minutes if an artery is struck.

Is this true? 

I mean, if so, what is the point of security cameras etc... ? If not to catch an image. Would it be better if the photographer had snapped a series of photos of the bolt cutting, and then riding away with the bike? 

h' 1.0 said:

Unfortunately there's not a damn thing you can do with a picture of a guy allegedly stealing a bike in Chicago city limits. Your only option is to intervene as it's happening.


David Barish said:

Wow. I happened upon this thread.  I see a picture of a guy stealing a bike and hoped to see an on line discussion of how the picture is helping catch the bad guy and reunite the bike owner with his/her lost bike.  Instead I see a discussion of how the guy should have been shot and  a policy debate.  I have a strong opinion in that regard and will keep it to myself because it does not matter  for this thread.  Lets assume the thief was not shot and that Rebecca had a camera phone as her weapon. ok, lets move  on.  Do the Police have this picture?  Has  anybody seen the guy?  Are we helping anything like this community has done in the past where on line CSI has helped reconstruct accidents?  Just wondering. 

Have been there with security stills/video/witness affidavits and there was no way to get CPD follow-up (Kevin C can probably explain better if willing, but this is such an old wound for us that he's probably not...).

In particular, in this case-- we have no known victim of the theft. Thus we have a photo of someone with no crime. If a victim comes forward, what are the chances they have proof of ownership- 25%?

So let's say they have incontrovetible proof of ownership (e.g. a bill of sale with matching serial number.)

And let's say you have a series of photographs showing this guy clearly cutting a lock to take the bike.

Then what?

It would completely depend on the detective that is eventually assigned to the case after a theft report is filed, i.e. whether they were willing to do anything. What would you want them to do?


(And to the value of security cameras-- prmary deterrent, when you live in one of many major US metropoli that is no longer able to devote police resources to investigating property crimes due to drowning in violent crimes.)

Michelle said:

Is this true? 

I mean, if so, what is the point of security cameras etc... ? If not to catch an image. Would it be better if the photographer had snapped a series of photos of the bolt cutting, and then riding away with the bike? 

h' 1.0 said:

Unfortunately there's not a damn thing you can do with a picture of a guy allegedly stealing a bike in Chicago city limits. Your only option is to intervene as it's happening.


David Barish said:

Wow. I happened upon this thread.  I see a picture of a guy stealing a bike and hoped to see an on line discussion of how the picture is helping catch the bad guy and reunite the bike owner with his/her lost bike.  Instead I see a discussion of how the guy should have been shot and  a policy debate.  I have a strong opinion in that regard and will keep it to myself because it does not matter  for this thread.  Lets assume the thief was not shot and that Rebecca had a camera phone as her weapon. ok, lets move  on.  Do the Police have this picture?  Has  anybody seen the guy?  Are we helping anything like this community has done in the past where on line CSI has helped reconstruct accidents?  Just wondering. 

Do you mean like stop and frisk?  What about the non-punks carrying "spare wheels" (jk- joke).  

Have you ever been stopped, searched or detained by cops for "looking suspicious"?  It's not fun-let me assure you.  That kind of action can actually hurt community respect for the police.

Aside from that- I don't know what the solutions to this problem are.  Theft is a frustrating problem- for sure.

Dean Bekken said:

I see groups of punks - 2 to 3 to a group - riding around with "spare" wheels on their backs. Can we trouble the CPD to ask these kids where they live, maybe follow them home?

The difficulty connecting a bike with its owner and having the necessary evidence of a crime makes a sting operation attractive. I don't think you want random John Q. Citizen types conducting stings, so you have to convince CPD that's a worthwhile effort. Some police departments are doing this. I don't know what it would take to get something like this off the ground in Chicago.

Skip, if there's ever a bike sting done by CPD there will be exactly one, and the intent will be to be able to put out a press release about it for deterrent value. And they'll probably nab some crack-head rather than anyone who is responsible for any significant percentage of theft.

And maybe then there might be another a few years later.

A cop I know who has an interest in bikes has got his department to do a few stings, and he characterizes it as devoting long, boring hours without much of a result to justify the resources.


Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

The difficulty connecting a bike with its owner and having the necessary evidence of a crime makes a sting operation attractive. I don't think you want random John Q. Citizen types conducting stings, so you have to convince CPD that's a worthwhile effort. Some police departments are doing this. I don't know what it would take to get something like this off the ground in Chicago.

Lock up correctly...then you don't need a gun, mace, baseball bat...

I don't know what the solutions to this problem are.

Marcus Moore said:

Do you mean like stop and frisk?  What about the non-punks carrying "spare wheels" (jk- joke).  

Have you ever been stopped, searched or detained by cops for "looking suspicious"?  It's not fun-let me assure you.  That kind of action can actually hurt community respect for the police.

Aside from that- I don't know what the solutions to this problem are.  Theft is a frustrating problem- for sure.

Dean Bekken said:

I see groups of punks - 2 to 3 to a group - riding around with "spare" wheels on their backs. Can we trouble the CPD to ask these kids where they live, maybe follow them home?

Sorry, here's something that might be more constructive than my previous comment:

Most people riding with wheels strapped to their bags are legitimate owners of those wheels.  Some people are taking them to/from a bike shop, a friend's place, a race or where ever.  If you see someone riding with spare wheels- it isn't usually a bad thing.

Now, back to the original topic...

Rebecca- sorry to hear about your friend's bad experience.  That must have been a frightening situation to be in, not knowing what was going to happen, the possibility of assault, etc.  I hope she's feeling "ok" after that.

Thanks for sharing.

Marcus Moore said:

Do you mean like stop and frisk?  What about the non-punks carrying "spare wheels" (jk- joke).  

Have you ever been stopped, searched or detained by cops for "looking suspicious"?  It's not fun-let me assure you.  That kind of action can actually hurt community respect for the police.

Aside from that- I don't know what the solutions to this problem are.  Theft is a frustrating problem- for sure.

Dean Bekken said:

I see groups of punks - 2 to 3 to a group - riding around with "spare" wheels on their backs. Can we trouble the CPD to ask these kids where they live, maybe follow them home?

Guns AND Cars have no place in civilized society.  EACH kills nearly an entire 9/11 worth of poor souls EVERY MONTH!
The causal link between gun availability and chance of gunshot death is well established on state and national levels.  Stop dragging us into your overcompensating dystopian musings.

Additionally. there are tragic stories in the news =every single day= of "accidental" gun deaths (kids killing their fathers, themselves, each-other, dogs shooting their owners, etc.) but try to find one story where a civilian carrying a gun actually thwarted a violent crime and you have to dig -very- deep.



Andrew Bedno said:

Guns AND Cars have no place in civilized society.  EACH kills nearly an entire 9/11 worth of poor souls EVERY MONTH!
The causal link between gun availability and chance of gunshot death is well established on state and national levels.  Stop dragging us into your overcompensating dystopian musings.

No! You're wrong! Concealed carry is totally going to turn the tide of violence in Chicago!  The crooks will be scared to confront ANYONE for fear of getting shot!  They totally won't start shooting first "just in case"!

Also, those of us who totally don't understand how things work in a reality based existence will be able to shoot brown people with impunity, like Saint Zimmerman did!

h' 1.0 said:

Additionally. there are tragic stories in the news =every single day= of "accidental" gun deaths (kids killing their fathers, themselves, each-other, dogs shooting their owners, etc.) but try to find one story where a civilian carrying a gun actually thwarted a violent crime and you have to dig -very- deep.



Andrew Bedno said:

Guns AND Cars have no place in civilized society.  EACH kills nearly an entire 9/11 worth of poor souls EVERY MONTH!
The causal link between gun availability and chance of gunshot death is well established on state and national levels.  Stop dragging us into your overcompensating dystopian musings.


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