Do you have a bicycling bucket list? The ultimate bike you would like to buy or build. Or maybe that epic ride or tour you've always talked about doing "some year" soon.

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Big rides; PBP, 24HR, double, triple, quads, are in the can. Fixed gear centuries, finished. An attempt at the track, fini. Hit by a car, done. Built my own wheels and multi speed fixed gear hubs. I think all that's left is brazing up my own frame.

Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles said:

.... multi speed fixed gear hubs....


I hope you remembered to get your card stamped... I think you get a free sandwich or something? 

Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles said:

Big rides; PBP, 24HR, double, triple, quads, are in the can. Fixed gear centuries, finished. An attempt at the track, fini. Hit by a car, done. Built my own wheels and multi speed fixed gear hubs. I think all that's left is brazing up my own frame.

one more "Midnight Marauders"!

you get too greedy then JAH will smite you!

Nope, 2 and 3 speed fixed gear hubs.

Mike Fatout said:

I assume you mean you have built some wheels for fixed gear and some with a cassette or IG hub.

Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles said:

Big rides; PBP, 24HR, double, triple, quads, are in the can. Fixed gear centuries, finished. An attempt at the track, fini. Hit by a car, done. Built my own wheels and multi speed fixed gear hubs. I think all that's left is brazing up my own frame.

Mont Ventoux.

For a long time I've wanted to go back to the Netherlands and try a Bike and Barge tour.

Still might get there.

Love this thread!

Northern Europe by bike, Scandanavia by bike, RAGBRAI, Thailand, this trip through Bali, and, if I win the lottery (for all of these, actually), Cairo to Capetown. 

Now that would be a trip, although I think I might rather read about it than actually do it!  Anyone heard of or know anyone who has done it?
Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

Cairo to Capetown. 

I don't know anyone who's done it, but it's four months! I guess I'll need to start playing the lottery if I'm gonna depend on it for this:

Tour D'Afrique

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

Now that would be a trip, although I think I might rather read about it than actually do it!  Anyone heard of or know anyone who has done it?
Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

Cairo to Capetown. 

I've never really focused on the 'before death' bit but I'll be riding the Great Allegheny Passage and C&O Canal trails between Pittsburgh and Washington, DC.  Going in October means I should see some nice leaves, and the campgrounds and hotels shouldn't be crowded.

Did you notice that the company does tours on each continent and that it is possible to do part or all of a tour?  I just spent an inordinate amount of time looking at that web site.  Serious possibilities for the bucket list!

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

I don't know anyone who's done it, but it's four months! I guess I'll need to start playing the lottery if I'm gonna depend on it for this:

Tour D'Afrique


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