I'm pretty new to Chainlink and the biking community in general. Despite having obsessively ridden for the last few years, I've always been pretty spartan about it and was never terribly interested in diving into the culture. Anyway, maybe I'm crazy but there's a pretty noticeable dislike for road bikers around here (multiply it by 1,000 if they're going fast) and I'm just wondering what's the deal with that?
I have a few bikes and I dont fit into any one particular category of biker. Cross for commuting and getting around. An old mountain bike for hooking the tagalong up so I can ride with (ie tow) one of my kids. And yes, I have a road bike for the weekend. It's carbon. I wear lycra. I ride fast. I love it. Point is, I think I can pretty much appreciate most types of riders since I'm all over the map.
The few other road bike folks I've ridden with are practically militant about being safe and courteous. I try to be the same. I commute along the LFP during the week so I encounter issues almost daily, and honestly, they're almost never with road bikes, even fast ones. All of my experiences with these people have been pretty good.
So what's with the seemingly universal disdain for people traveling fast on road bikes? Obviously I'm sure there are instances of ill-advised passes or some other unsafe move, but every strata is guilty of doing stupid stuff, yet it seems like there's a special kind of dislike reserved for road bikes around here.
The Gadget said:
Yeah, thanks. After hanging around here for a while I remembered why I've been a solitary rider who has purposely avoided getting into the culture. Too much petty fighting between the many types of riders. I'm all for bitching about people who are being stupid whether they're on a bike or not, but it seems like there's always an insult unnecessarily tacked on to it, like making fun of their outfit or the cost of their bike or whatever. It just bugs me.
Craig S. said:Gadget,
Welcome to the family. You'll find it's just best not to hang out on these forums, unless one is really procrastinating (my current sin). I've said it many times, just cause one is on two wheels doesn't mean they're not a douchebag. As a longtime bike commuter, I've encountered many two wheeled douchebags.
Sorry folks
My 2 cents:
Hipster is as vague as the 'alternative' music...I guess I'm a hipster because I ride a fixed gear (i started w/ freewheel...and changed eventually to fixed...couldn't turn back)...even though I don't have tattoos, beard, skinny jeans, blah blah blah...
So many people ride "fix" (mostly freewheels acutally) now...soooo many single speeds available now.
I gotta say that the people that blow lights...shoal...etc...are in my opinion rampant throughout all genres...there are just a lot of people that are clueless to the rules of the road...
In summary...lycra, 'hipster'
Wait, wait, wait.
I would like to clarify "creatures". Since I am the original user. Only because I used that word, specifically NOT to point to one gender. I would imagine, from a females point of view, there are equally as many attractive men to look at, on the lake front, as there are women.
I would NEVER objectify a woman. It is not who I am. I don't believe that looking at a woman, (not staring, and drooling, with your tongue hanging out) to appreciate beauty, is a bad thing. Unfortunately, In today's society, it is not socially acceptable to tell a woman you don't know, " I just wanted to say, Your beautiful". This would normally be met with disgust, and disdain. At the very least, it would be treated like you were hitting on her, even if you weren't.
If I offended anyone with "creature". I apologize. It was not meant to be an objectification. I'm sorry if It made someone feel that way.
Davis Moore said:
Wow, no other women participating in this thread. I wonder why? "Shitlib"? Really? Like "women's lib" but shitty, or something? (That doesn't even make any sense?) If so, you are a woman hating douchebag.
Homegirl has every right to speak up about posting creeper shots and women being objectified and referred to as "creatures". Way to keep it classy...
Circle jerk is right...
envane (69 furlongs) said:Take it to your tumblr, shitlib.
Julie Harpring 7.6 miles said:I think you mistook my meaning. I was calling you a gross dude, but I changed it before your reply to call you a sleazy dude. It's awesome that you like women, but no one likes to be objectified.
Serge Lubomudrov said:1) I'm not apologizing for liking women.
2) You better watch your grammar, dudette! (See: COMMA [,] dudette!)
Julie Harpring 7.6 miles said:Gross dude! Keep your male gaze out of my comment replies!
The female gaze exists and I use it actively. This is especially true when riding that lovely 3 mile strip of the beach previously mentioned. Women aren't the only lovely ones out there. Seriously, though, beware velociraptors on the path. Vicious things, really.
Also, lycra is obnoxious when you look terrible in it and you clearly have no clue what you're doing.
Mark said:
Wait, wait, wait.
I would like to clarify "creatures". Since I am the original user. Only because I used that word, specifically NOT to point to one gender. I would imagine, from a females point of view, there are equally as many attractive men to look at, on the lake front, as there are women.
I would NEVER objectify a woman. It is not who I am. I don't believe that looking at a woman, (not staring, and drooling, with your tongue hanging out) to appreciate beauty, is a bad thing. Unfortunately, In today's society, it is not socially acceptable to tell a woman you don't know, " I just wanted to say, Your beautiful". This would normally be met with disgust, and disdain. At the very least, it would be treated like you were hitting on her, even if you weren't.
If I offended anyone with "creature". I apologize. It was not meant to be an objectification. I'm sorry if It made someone feel that way.
Davis Moore said:Wow, no other women participating in this thread. I wonder why? "Shitlib"? Really? Like "women's lib" but shitty, or something? (That doesn't even make any sense?) If so, you are a woman hating douchebag.
Homegirl has every right to speak up about posting creeper shots and women being objectified and referred to as "creatures". Way to keep it classy...
Circle jerk is right...
envane (69 furlongs) said:Take it to your tumblr, shitlib.
Julie Harpring 7.6 miles said:I think you mistook my meaning. I was calling you a gross dude, but I changed it before your reply to call you a sleazy dude. It's awesome that you like women, but no one likes to be objectified.
Serge Lubomudrov said:1) I'm not apologizing for liking women.
2) You better watch your grammar, dudette! (See: COMMA [,] dudette!)
Julie Harpring 7.6 miles said:Gross dude! Keep your male gaze out of my comment replies!
If I may jump on in the the original point, I might be too lazy to see where this discussion deviated...
I too am a multi-faced cyclist like the original poster. I have a hybrid, which I use for commuting, running errands, critical mass and going for rides with my wife. I also have a tandem bike which is for good fun spousal activity. Additionally, I have a racing road bike, which I do not use for racing, it's just fun to self-propel yourself to such high speeds. I do also spandex it up, but I go for the fun get up, with the Star Trek, Ireland or Iowa Hawkeyes cycling Jerseys (sidebar: I would love a Chicago Bears one for the North Shore Century). I totally agree with the 2nd point made by Mark in this discussion, that they can generally be cold. As a warm and friendly person, I try to up my warmth and friendliness when I am out on the road bike and spandex. My "on your left's" will be more polite, and always follow a "thank you." I will of course will prioritize safety over everything, and slow down if I see a convoy of slower riders or group of people. I will also always ask people pull over to the side of trail if they require quick repair assistance. There are ways to enjoy going fast, but also being safe, friendly and a good cycling community member. Other things to note, I NEVER take my road bike on the LFP. I keep it to the North Branch Trail, South Side Trail, or other sparse places. If I want to enjoy the side view I'll take it down a few notches on my hybrid.
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