Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was a weird one.  Big fat raindrops, sunshine, rainbows.  It was warm, though, so getting wet did not seem to matter.

Lovely ride Southbound today on LFP.  20 MPH tailwind!

Brrr. Cold one today!

Autumn has arrived.

I just love it when there is a tailwind like that!  Unfortunately, looks like there will be a headwind going home. :-)

What a gorgeous day!  Sun, waves, and a 15-20 mph tailwind on the way to work.  Impossible to be in a bad mood after that.

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I just love it when there is a tailwind like that!  Unfortunately, looks like there will be a headwind going home. :-)

Hunt for hills.  Embrace the wind. It's all good.


What time were you leaving. It was really pleasant this morning at 6am. Unless you mean that it is cold in that you didn't break a sweat.

Domenica Cresap said:

Brrr. Cold one today!

Expletive. My ride from Bronzeville to Lawndale was atrocious. This am! Where did this wind come from! Going North on Wabash and Western left me huffing like I just gave up airplane glue. I sure hope I reap the benefits for the ride home, but something tells me the wind will have died down or shifted.

Therefore, for all of you with the tailwind and not the miserable headwind - rock on and enjoy! To my brothers and sisters sharing in the headwind, my quads salute you.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Lovely ride Southbound today on LFP.  20 MPH tailwind!

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

I sure hope I reap the benefits for the ride home, but something tells me the wind will have died down or shifted.
It shouldn't, according the the NWS:
The second section shows wind out of the north all day today.

I love wind from the north because it tears through my place like a tornado when the windows are open and I'm a fresh air fiend.  Going home this afternoon will be tough if the wind persists, but it's worth it.

I still broke a sweat this morning; needs to be about ten degrees colder.


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