I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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@Wolf-Pup is right, the wet hair thing works; I always have a mini a squirt bottle on hand, required hot weather accessory... 

Wolf-Pup said:

I rode. I wet about 75.5% of my hair before I leave my home/work/etc. If I wet the whole thing it will never dry unless I'm outside for about 3 hours.


Seriously, though, I'm showering a lot, biking slowly (as usual) and keeping my head hair wet. I just go to the bathroom sink at work and splash some cold water on my hair/face. It works.

I've also done it mid-ride if I'm overheating. Pouring cold water over your heat, then riding just fast enough to get a good breeze, is a great way to cool down if you're overheating.

Lady Teague said:

@Wolf-Pup is right, the wet hair thing works; I always have a mini a squirt bottle on hand, required hot weather accessory... 

Wolf-Pup said:

I rode. I wet about 75.5% of my hair before I leave my home/work/etc. If I wet the whole thing it will never dry unless I'm outside for about 3 hours.


Seriously, though, I'm showering a lot, biking slowly (as usual) and keeping my head hair wet. I just go to the bathroom sink at work and splash some cold water on my hair/face. It works.

I think the key to riding in this type of weather is proper hydration (to include electrolytes...not electric lights, 'h !  LOL !) and proper eating.

I took off this morning on a brisk pace (17mph for me is brisk) and got about 2 miles in before I noticed that my speed had dropped to about 13-14. I didn't eat well last night (due to the heat and extra exercise I did) or re-hydrate. (Just didn't feel hungry or thirsty) Plus, the heat/smell combo had me thinking back to Iraq circa 2003....not good.

However, the day before, I was rocking 22 mph without even realizing it until I hit the Archer bridge (just east of Ashland) and slowed down to 18-19 mph while going uphill. I had hydrated quite a bit the night before and had eaten lots of fruits and veggies with my chicken breasts. I even had some gatorade-flavored water before I left the house.

It doesn't help that as you slow down, the heat wave starts to wrap around you and give you a great big bear-hug !

Keep drinking water out there (and inside) while this heat wave is here.


Good Luck.





Manny, I think what you describe was part of my problem this morning.  Since we get to try it again tomorrow and maybe Friday, I am going to work on my diet and hydration tonight.
Manny FU...Really!? said:

I think the key to riding in this type of weather is proper hydration (to include electrolytes...not electric lights, 'h !  LOL !) and proper eating.

I took off this morning on a brisk pace (17mph for me is brisk) and got about 2 miles in before I noticed that my speed had dropped to about 13-14. I didn't eat well last night (due to the heat and extra exercise I did) or re-hydrate. (Just didn't feel hungry or thirsty) Plus, the heat/smell combo had me thinking back to Iraq circa 2003....not good.

However, the day before, I was rocking 22 mph without even realizing it until I hit the Archer bridge (just east of Ashland) and slowed down to 18-19 mph while going uphill. I had hydrated quite a bit the night before and had eaten lots of fruits and veggies with my chicken breasts. I even had some gatorade-flavored water before I left the house.

It doesn't help that as you slow down, the heat wave starts to wrap around you and give you a great big bear-hug !

Keep drinking water out there (and inside) while this heat wave is here.


Good Luck.





I rode (slowly) to the Metra and then the Divvy from OTC to Chase Plaza. Granted, I have a tshirt and shorts on today and not a suit like usual so it wasn't that big of a deal for the few blocks each way. Ride home will be much hotter, but is short enough of a ride that I shouldn't heat up too much.


But then again, I just look for any excuse to sleep in a little longer. Here is to hoping that the hot weather continues!

I have to admit, this morning I hopped on a bus and cooled off for half of the ride to work.  Le sigh.

ooh squirt bottle!  cool idea!!

Anyone take out their electric bike :))

I LOVE the hot weather.  I prefer hot to cold any day.  I just feel alive in this weather and I don't feel like I'm eating to hibernate which I do in the winter.

Duppie 13.5185km said:


But then again, I just look for any excuse to sleep in a little longer. Here is to hoping that the hot weather continues!

I'm just too old and my commute is too far to risk it.  I tried it earlier in the week in the morning when it wasn't all that hot, and I was essentially bright red by the time I got to the office and felt less than perfect all day.   This is the time to take advantage of the comparatively light loads on the in-bound blue line at evening rush and the 80. 

Rachel Miller said:

I'm impervious to peer pressure!  Just curious.  I know that every time I feel gripey about riding home I just wind up doing it anyway.  Maybe I'll take the bus!  Who knows?

Duppie said:

Don't let yourself be persuaded by the "I'll ride in any weather crowd". While they might feel comfortable in this heat, it doesn't mean that you will.


Heat stroke is a real danger in weather like this. No need to suffer a heat stroke only because you feel taking the bus home makes you look like a wussy.

Between new tattoo, not sleeping well (partially because of the tattoo), and the heat I've taken this week off.  I think I'm going to do a 5 am 10 mile ride tomorrow morning to make up for some of it, but I kind of feel guilty


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