Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Miserable morning.  At least when I get home after riding through temps in the 90s I'll have a shower...

Buzzed by a cab all the way from Milwaukee/Augusta to the Merchandise Mart.  Didn't say a word to him, but took his photo.  He got out and yelled, "Take a photo as I'm slapping the shit out of you!".  #2480.

Great way to start the morning!

Did you use the PBL that now covers most of that stretch? Trying to figure out how he could buzz you if you did.

blair said:

Buzzed by a cab all the way from Milwaukee/Augusta to the Merchandise Mart.  Didn't say a word to him, but took his photo.  He got out and yelled, "Take a photo as I'm slapping the shit out of you!".  #2480.

Great way to start the morning!

Yes, I use the "protected" bike lanes on both Milwaukee and Kinzie (and eventually Dearborn). He was weaving in and out of them. The bollards are now spaced out enough for cars to drive in and out of the bike lane (if parked cars aren't blocking them).

No one cares about traffic laws in this city because no one enforces them.

At least you didn't have to avoid a Bud Light truck taking up the entire width of the Lake Front Trail, and knocking tree branches onto bikers and joggers.

Sounds to me like a complaint needs to be filed both with the City Taxi Licensing group and the police.

blair said:

Buzzed by a cab all the way from Milwaukee/Augusta to the Merchandise Mart.  Didn't say a word to him, but took his photo.  He got out and yelled, "Take a photo as I'm slapping the shit out of you!".  #2480.

Great way to start the morning!

Please tell us you skitched with one hand and drank a bud with the other!

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

At least you didn't have to avoid a Bud Light truck taking up the entire width of the Lake Front Trail, and knocking tree branches onto bikers and joggers.

I used to get forms in the mail to sign, but haven't received anything the last three times I filed a complaint?

That beer truck.... wtf?!

That surely sounds like he was doing it intentional.

Hope the rest of your day goes better.

blair said:

Yes, I use the "protected" bike lanes on both Milwaukee and Kinzie (and eventually Dearborn). He was weaving in and out of them. The bollards are now spaced out enough for cars to drive in and out of the bike lane (if parked cars aren't blocking them).

No one cares about traffic laws in this city because no one enforces them.

Did I mention that this happens nearly every morning? There's also Park District pickup trucks and industrial lawnmowers. Is nothing sacred anymore?

blair said:

That beer truck.... wtf?!

We should be riding on the sidewalks.  Duh.


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