Whenever the forum seems depressed,

just bounce this thread to the top.

Who's got a happy song or happy thought to share?

What do you do when you're down in the dumps?

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I hope it's not too soon...

My mother-in-law gave us one of those. :-) The fish, I mean; not the video.  She has passed away, so in a very weird way we feel obligated to keep it!

Kevin C said:

I hope it's not too soon...

Uptown Bikes is my usual shop. They are a fantastic shop focused on bikes as urban transportation. They treat me well, don't upsell you or anything. If money is a concern, I would definitely keep them in mind.

Turin on N Damen is nice too, but an entirely different kind of shop. They have a handful Shinolas for sale in addition to a number of frames by custom builders. They also have selection of tastefully curated accesories and  clothing. I picked up a pair of classic looking tan leather riding gloves that I had not seen anywhere else. I would say it's a smaller version of the previous Turin in Evanston. Worth your while to visit. They also seemed less busy than other stores, but that may be because they opened a month or two ago.

Davo said:

Is that the one on N Damen? I've been meaning to check it out. How is it? Also whats your usual shop? I usually go to Easy Rider cuz the old guy is kind of funny, and you can haggle a little with him.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Right. Happy thread...

I went to Turin yesterday afternoon to pick up my fake-onneur (my Surly LHT dressed up as randonneur). I felt a little bit dirty, because I cheated on my usual shop, but they were booked for two weeks solid.

John at Turin did an excellent job fixing the rattle on my VO fenders. It's starting to look like a real pretty bike right in time for RAIL. Happy indeed

this totally made my LOL :


discuss amongst yourselves....


WARNING : lots of sweeping generalizations are made about cyclists who commute, race, etc etc

So, it's Pac Man who turns those wheels

Not a fan of fixed gear but like this, the LFP was pretty clogged today, even when I was out there early, that time of year.

I don't know-maybe everyone is out riding or just enjoying being outdoors since summer finally decided to make an appearance!

How about a true story?  It happened yesterday.

I rode in to the the loop to get some work done after a few days of R & R.  It was hot and sunny. I wore a new pair of eyeglasses that have magnetic sunglasses that fit over them.  On the way home it was very cloudy.   At Lincoln and I think Wrightwood I stopped to take the glasses off.  I put the glasses which had the sunglasses attached into the case inside my pannier and rode home. I had taken time to use the case as I did not want new glasses and sunglasses to be floating in the pannier with the lock, pump, keys and other flotsam and jetsam.  I arrived home and put on my glasses to read something and to my amazement, the sunglasses were not there.  I tore apart the pannier and could not find the sunglasses. The glasses were there but the sunglasses attachment had vaporized. Where was it?? Hmm. This does not sound like a happy thread story...  My wife figured that when I put the glasses into the case I may have dislodged the sunglasses and not noticed due to the street noises.  She and I got in the car and drove back (about 9 miles) to the location where I put the glasses in the case in the pannier.  I had leaned the bike against a mailbox when I did this. I saw nothing anywhere near the mailbox.  I was about to leave when I saw the sunglasses in the street and seemingly undamaged.  There may be a scratch and the magnet on one side will need to be reinserted but they seem otherwise to be pretty unscathed. How they survived in the street is beyond me. I figure I had returned to the scene about an hour to an hour and a quarter after I had originally been there.

A cynic would say that I have run my luck for the week, month or year. I will say, "happy, happy,  joy, joy."  Of course, it may be that I am just an eeediot. Its still blissful.

Not sure why this is funny.

Makes me smile:


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