A friend is having a bbq/pool party out in the suburbs this Saturday, and if the weather co-operates, I'm thinking about biking to it, rather than driving.

My concern is safety. This is the general route I'm thinking about taking: http://goo.gl/bsG7i

I'm a bit afraid that, since I'm returning after dark, my trip through Austin etc won't be safe.  I'm not too worried.  I may be a woman, but as a 6' woman who's generally pretty good at having an air of, "you don't want to fuck with me, mate" when necessary, I've never had any issue of walking/biking in darkness beyond the normal catcalls/shouting.

Plus, I ride a hybrid, with a rather upright posture.  When I combine that with a safety vest and my terrifyingly bright front light, I've had many people comment that they thought I was the police.

Does anybody have any advice?  (apart from putting on plenty of sunblock!)  Or encouragement of, "yeah, do it girl!"  I've never traveled out to the suburbs by bike before.

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I've ridden through Austin on my way from Garfield Park to Oak Park - in the daylight. I would probably go around!

I've heard going around the north side and then catching Naragansett (sp?) is the safe way around. Maybe take Diversey over to Naragansett and then drop down to Oak Park?

You could take metra back to the city. Just be sure to bring a bungee cord for your bike.

If you would like to avoid riding through Austin late at night, taking Armitage/Grand to Oak Park Avenue or Narragansett to Oak Park (then continuing on more or less the same route) - sorry, I should say doing the reverse since it'll be your trip home - is a perfectly nice way to get to OP from Logan Square, and you avoid potentially shady neighborhoods.

I live near Fullerton & Western and work near Narragansett & Cortland.

Logan/Wrightwood (Drummond when Wrightwood is eastbound only) is the way to go.

Austin is newly paved (and still smooth).

Narragansett is usually an easy ride.

I'm not sure about west of Narragansett.

Maywood is ghetto. When I'm by myself I skip the first few miles of the IPP and take Madison out to 25th.  The IPP is a glass-filled alley through that stretch.

I'd avoid Austin.  I rode through at night once and it was made clear a few times that my presence was not wanted.  It was all verbal abuse, but I am somewhat large.  

When you get to Oak Park Ave head north to Diversey; once you pass Brickyard Mall you can head south and get on Wrightwood if you like.  I like Oak Park Ave better than Austin Blvd, and Narragansett only runs north of North Ave. 

At North Ave, just jog 1 block west to Nagle.

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

I'd avoid Austin.  I rode through at night once and it was made clear a few times that my presence was not wanted.  It was all verbal abuse, but I am somewhat large.  

When you get to Oak Park Ave head north to Diversey; once you pass Brickyard Mall you can head south and get on Wrightwood if you like.  I like Oak Park Ave better than Austin Blvd, and Narragansett only runs north of North Ave. 

I used to do versions of that route often in the 60s 70s and 80s. Until  couldn't find routes. In the 90s I had police escort through Maywood and was told on leaving town how many cyclists had been assaulted and injured along my route. Told that I had an escort through town because it was less work  for the police than picking up my body. In daylight. In Austin I have run over (yes on a bicycle - fixed gear and fear help) a line of thugs blocking the roadway. Very, very lucky the bike was not damaged and kept rolling. Again this was in daylight.

Are you prepared to stop and fix a flat in anywhere along your route?

If you must do this I agree with all the posters suggesting a more northerly route. And doing it in darkness is madness. There is no point on the IPP, even in Lombard/Villa Park/Elmhurst, that is safe past dark. Outside of Hipsterville no one expects to see bikes on the road past dark. You will be in a culture of cars and drunkenness very unlike Logan Square.

I have actually done a route similar to this before; on two occasions, I rode from Oak Park back to Logan Square at night.  Felt a bit sketchy, but like I said, nothing bad happened.

Thanks for all the route advice so far!  Shall work out a final route tomorrow.  It looks like there's a chance a friend might be joining me for the ride.  I don't know if this will make it safer (safety in numbers) or less safe (I'm 200lbs, and thus less prone to assault.  She's fitter than I, and so perhaps a more likely target).

Are you prepared to stop and fix a flat in anywhere along your route?

If that happens, I'll probably just figure out how to get to a Metra station or something.  Ride 350+ miles a month currently, haven't gotten a flat yet....

There is no point on the IPP, even in Lombard/Villa Park/Elmhurst, that is safe past dark.

What is IPP?  And did you look at the map?  A significant portion of it is bike trail.  I've got a 400watt front light, back red blinker, and a safety vest.  I think I'll be visible enough.

Christine (5.0) said:

What is IPP?  And did you look at the map?  A significant portion of it is bike trail.  I've got a 400watt front light, back red blinker, and a safety vest.  I think I'll be visible enough.

IPP = Illinois Prairie Path, which is the trail you'll be taking.  I've gone out west that way many a time, but I've always either come back while it was still daylight or taken the Metra back.   Maywood may not be the nightmare it was in the 90s but I wouldn't ride there at night.

Ahh, that makes sense.

Another reason I didn't have any trouble may have been the weather; both trips weren't during summer (a super bowl party, and another trip in... Feb? Jan?  I forget.)  Summer is when the outdoor crime starts, and since it's supposed to be in the 80's this Saturday, there will probably be lots of people outside.

envane (69 furlongs) said:

Christine (5.0) said:

What is IPP?  And did you look at the map?  A significant portion of it is bike trail.  I've got a 400watt front light, back red blinker, and a safety vest.  I think I'll be visible enough.

IPP = Illinois Prairie Path, which is the trail you'll be taking.  I've gone out west that way many a time, but I've always either come back while it was still daylight or taken the Metra back.   Maywood may not be the nightmare it was in the 90s but I wouldn't ride there at night.

IPP is Illinois Prairie Path. After dark it is less safe than a Chicago park after closing time.  There are old railroad frontage streets along most all of the IPP route and those are better than the path anywhere east of I-294. In the daytime.  After dark don't be on the path. Having lights just makes you an easier target.


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