Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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I saw willow, and ethan and rebecca and katie and nate and julie and david and bryce and sara D that I remember now!

Saw Julie at the plaza....but not many others as I didn't have much more time than to swipe some cheesecake and head to the office....

Sue Clark N/B on Des Plaines at about 7:30 pm.
This is a first - cta bus driver who picked me up this morning with my bike is a Chainlink member!

very cool julie. I have a first too : I was waiting for the bus today at milwaukee and chicago and saw my son Matt riding to his job in the loop from Logan Square. wearing the orange windbreaker I gave him !

it was pretty cool...

I ran into my old band instructor and on Sunday I saw my old best friend from years ago

within 5 minutes of each other : last evening I saw Laura O (flying north on Damen at North Ave.)

and then right after that I saw John Greenfield on Milwaukee Ave around California...yelled at both

Oh...sunday I saw Bailey N. going south on Damen too (I had the dogs that time leaving the dog park),

and then later Shar at Humboldt Park Lagoon (again with dogs) SHE was on a bike though !

You win the covetted BK badge!

h' 1.0 said:

I think I saw Dr. Mambohead twice this evening-- once on Rockwell around 7 and once on Western around 10:30?

Yesterday evening I ran into an old married lady on Dearborn just north of Chicago.  Nice to see you Julie!  Thanks for slowing down to chat.

You beat me to this post!  Yes, that was fun!  

That's the disadvantage that those of us that ride Northwest have.... we are lucky if we see another Bicycle, let alone a chainlink person (do we have a chain link t-shirt??)  I saw ONE other bicyclist today once I got past Wilson and Western and once I got to about Manor...    none..

Yesterday I saw a lot more than I liked however, when my new inner tube literally exploded (nine inch gash on a seam) taking out my back tire.  And it happened at the point on my ride where I am furthest from the CTA....

Saw the lovely and newly married Julie H. on Wilson last night. I could swear she is still glowing. :-)


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