It's been a week since registration for Divvy opened. I seem to recall the confirmation screen claiming the keyfobs would be sent out in a week or so. Anyone receive theirs in the mail yet?

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Tuesday 8:15 am

spotted this today at Washington and Clinton (outside the north entrance to Ogilvie METRA station).

There is also one in front of the Thompson center (near where the messengers used to hang out).  If I can just figure out the exact location of the Union Station one, I'll give Divvy a try when it launches.

I saw the station at the Federal Plaza this morning - yeah!

I was playing around with the Divvy system map, and I noticed that you can look around in street view and it will place the marker in the picture. I thought that was mildly interesting enough to share.

This handy little map tells you where the stations will be. So far the placements have been spot on (i.e within a few feet of the spot on the map). Look like Union station may get 2 stations.

Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

There is also one in front of the Thompson center (near where the messengers used to hang out).  If I can just figure out the exact location of the Union Station one, I'll give Divvy a try when it launches.

I normally come out on Adams and the river (IMO, that plaza would be perfect for a station).  Looks like the current location is opposite that, I'll have to remember to come out the other door tomorrow and see if it's there.  

(ETA: totally missed the station listed as Adams and Canal...)

I kind of wish Divvy had an app or at least a mobile version of the web that would allow you to find the closest station based on your GPS location.

There will be an app soon, but it's not available yet.

Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

I kind of wish Divvy had an app or at least a mobile version of the web that would allow you to find the closest station based on your GPS location.

On their FaceBook page Divvy just posted that they started mailing out membership packets today.

They're mailing all 1,300 founding member keys+packets simultaneously, today and tomorrow, and then any successive memberships in the order the membership was registered. (Via my email convo with the PR guy, Elliot.)

I'm working on an update to the iOS Chicago Bike Guide (nominated for Moxie award) to have Divvy stations before launch. That means I need to finish the bulk of work tonight!

You can see what it will look like on the demo site.

The Union Station one is on Jackson Boulevard between Canal and Clinton, on the 20 feet wide sidewalk. Not the closest to the trains, but will be across the street from the upcoming bus terminal that's going into the parking lot south of Jackson between Union Station's Great Hall and the Amtrak parking garage. 

Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

There is also one in front of the Thompson center (near where the messengers used to hang out).  If I can just figure out the exact location of the Union Station one, I'll give Divvy a try when it launches.

There will apparently be one on Adams across from the "auxiliary" entrance on Riverside Plaza as well, and more visible to those leaving the station, unlike the one on Jackson, which you probably won't see unless you're seeking it out. I hope it is on the north side of Adams since riverside plaza near the entrance is always busy.

Steven Vance said:

The Union Station one is on Jackson Boulevard between Canal and Clinton, on the 20 feet wide sidewalk. Not the closest to the trains, but will be across the street from the upcoming bus terminal that's going into the parking lot south of Jackson between Union Station's Great Hall and the Amtrak parking garage. 

Dann B (5.25 mi/8.75 mi) said:

There is also one in front of the Thompson center (near where the messengers used to hang out).  If I can just figure out the exact location of the Union Station one, I'll give Divvy a try when it launches.

Lucky! Nothing in the mail for me. I'm in the city, and usually local mail is delivered next day. Hoping for Saturday!
Jeff Schneider said:

Got the key today.


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