I work in the Loop.  I live near Irving Park Road and the park.  In my case the route seems easy enough -but I keep changing it to find the best one.  I take the park south all the way to North, then State to Kinzie to Dearborn (I would take Dearborn at North but the city is working on the road and it is bike inhospitable right now).

I generally go through the tunnel that is a few hundred meters south of Belmont near Belmont Harbor and then up that walking path - but it is not ideal for tires (some bikers go on the earthen running path - how do they stay up?  Especially after a good rain?).  When I hit that car park near the Mini Golf and Grill In The Park the nicest way is in the car park to the entrance of the sidewalk of the harbor itself.  Another great way is biking along the eastern side of Diversey Harbor.  Only people there are a few fishermen, and often no one.

What I don't like about taking the Lake Front the whole way is that wind!

When heading north I often go on the sidewalk past the zoo as Stockton Drive is probably lethal to bike on since it is only car lane each way and buses go up and down it at the speed of light.  But with all the visitors to the zoo and park it is not ideal for the summer months.  Thursday mornings I try to hit the farmer's market on the way south.

I could take roads the whole way but I like combining roads and park, but of course I know I am lucky and that many of you have no other options but roads the whole way.

The ride up State to Kinzie is pretty easy going.  The double bike lane on Dearborn is cool.  I wish it wasn't just Kinzie to the Bridge but extended further north.  That is what the city should do - is carve out sufficient special super protected lanes that bikers could rely on most extensively to go anywhere.  But I guess that is what they are trying to do (thanks!) and it will all take a little time.  We are, after all, a pretty big city.

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Sometimes Inner LSD isnt that bad.

I pick up the park at Belmont and ride it down to Dearborn without ever having to stop for a traffic light. I really wish they would extend the bike lane on Dearborn up to the park. At night driving through the park is a little tricky due to darkness. 

I work in the west loop so today I tried Halsted all the way down. Wasn't so bad, hate having to stop at traffic lights and cars go way too fast near where Halsted crosses the Kennedy. 

Like you I avoid the Lakefront Trail because of the wind and it's not exactly the most direct route for the west loop. 

I think you have it down. I get on at Buena, switch over just south of Belmont. When the limestone path is wet I take the asphalt path just east of it. I take State to Erie and am done. I do not know how you would do it better. I ride a trike, so I am in no fear of falling over due to the wind. I grin and bear it when the wind is in my face and wheee when it is at my back.

When you guys say you take the park - do you mean Stockton, the walking paths, or ride through the zoo parking lot to the east? Just curious.  I like to vary my ride and sometimes ride 1) south on Cannon, 2) continue south through the zoo parking lot (I guess this is still technically Cannon), 3) take the walking path for a quick jaunt under LaSalle 4) and take State the rest of the way south. Reverse for the ride north.


Clark south to Wrigley is great. Its still decent going south of there.  I might simply take Clark south to Halsted which is just south of Belmont.  I would take Halsted south to Lincoln and Lincoln south to Wells. Wells to Kinzie.  Traffic is predictable. Riders are experienced and there are almost no bladers or runners to add to the mix.  I almost always opt for street over path.

Jeff Schneider said:

I ride from Andersonville to South Loop often (almost daily).  My favorite route (starting at Bryn Mawr) is Clark to Fullerton, then Cleveland to Willow to Halsted, then Halsted and Kingsbury to Kinzie, then Dearborn, Polk and Wabash to Roosevelt.  Something like that...

It involves a lot more stops than the LFP, but it's more relaxing (for me) to be on streets. 

I live up off Bryn Mawr, near Ravenswood. I switch between taking the lake front all the way in and (if it's windy) taking Clark to Wells or Lincoln to Wells.

Clark to Wells is easily the fastest way to get downtown in the morning.

Jeff, I like that route, I'll give it a try. When do you usually get on the road in the morning? I bet we've seen each other out in the wild.

Will - in your opinion, is Clark better than Lincoln?  I live in the same area, just started commuting and have already determined that Lincoln is not for me.  Suggestions on alternates welcome.


Will G - 10mi said:

I live up off Bryn Mawr, near Ravenswood. I switch between taking the lake front all the way in and (if it's windy) taking Clark to Wells or Lincoln to Wells.

Clark to Wells is easily the fastest way to get downtown in the morning.

Clark St. is far better than Lincoln as it pre-dates the grid and doesn't have all of the 6-way intersections that Lincoln does.

Headed south: Once you cross over to the west side of Lake Shore Drive just south of Belmont you have multiple options: take the streets using North Lake Shore Drive (a regular street, not the multi-lane highway) and Cannon Drive (Cannon goes between the zoo and the lagoon); or a choice of a limestone or asphalt path that runs through a park-like setting until you get to North Blvd. 'Tis as beautiful a ride as you will find anywhere, regardless of the route.

JM 6.5 said:

When you guys say you take the park - do you mean Stockton, the walking paths, or ride through the zoo parking lot to the east? Just curious.  I like to vary my ride and sometimes ride 1) south on Cannon, 2) continue south through the zoo parking lot (I guess this is still technically Cannon), 3) take the walking path for a quick jaunt under LaSalle 4) and take State the rest of the way south. Reverse for the ride north.

Andersonville/North side folks: Clark is good, but you can also head over to Damen for a more relaxed ride.  I'll often do Damen-Lincoln-Halsted/Wells instead of Clark, especially if there's Cub game traffic to worry about.  Bryn Mawr, Wilson, and Montrose are all good ways to head over to Damen from Clark.

Besides, some days the weather is so nice, you don't want to stop riding anyway.  So extra miles are fun.  As it is now, I ride up to Skokie, but I'll head down from Bryn Mawr to Wilson to hop the North Channel Trail because it's easier than dealing with all the one way nonsense with Berwyn west of Rosehill.  Longer & easier is sometimes better than direct & more hectic, IMHO.

Hey Grace, nice work on the daily commuting!

I prefer Clark over Lincoln. I think that the traffic on Lincoln tends to be heavier and more aggressive in the mornings. Clark also has more lanes and more chevrons. Give Clark a try. It'll be a little faster for the final two blocks right before you get to Wells, but just stay right and you'll be fine.

Grace Van Moer 8.25 mi said:

Will - in your opinion, is Clark better than Lincoln?  I live in the same area, just started commuting and have already determined that Lincoln is not for me.  Suggestions on alternates welcome.


Will G - 10mi said:

I live up off Bryn Mawr, near Ravenswood. I switch between taking the lake front all the way in and (if it's windy) taking Clark to Wells or Lincoln to Wells.

Clark to Wells is easily the fastest way to get downtown in the morning.

I like Damen on the way in in the mornings, on the way home it's always so clogged up with traffic that I prefer to avoid it unless, as you pointed out, there is a Cubs game. Then I take Dearborn, cut over to Wells, to Lincoln, to Damen.

Madopal (7.6 mi) said:

Andersonville/North side folks: Clark is good, but you can also head over to Damen for a more relaxed ride.  I'll often do Damen-Lincoln-Halsted/Wells instead of Clark, especially if there's Cub game traffic to worry about.  Bryn Mawr, Wilson, and Montrose are all good ways to head over to Damen from Clark.

Besides, some days the weather is so nice, you don't want to stop riding anyway.  So extra miles are fun.  As it is now, I ride up to Skokie, but I'll head down from Bryn Mawr to Wilson to hop the North Channel Trail because it's easier than dealing with all the one way nonsense with Berwyn west of Rosehill.  Longer & easier is sometimes better than direct & more hectic, IMHO.


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