There is no law, no legislation than could or should have been in place that likely would have prevented the tragedy that recently befell Bobby Cann and his family.  Still, it seems that the events of the past two weeks have a lot of cyclists thinking about what could happen.  It seems like a good time to invite anyone who is interested to talk about your rights as a cyclist, and what to do if involved in a collision.

I was lucky enough to get the community room at REI in Lincoln Park for Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 p.m.  It's free.  

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Thanks!  I remember that.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Thank you for taking the time to do this. Several years ago when a different case had everyone talking, I attended a round table that you and Ian Kasper hosted about the legal issues surrounding a crash and found it very informative. I'd encourage anyone curious about the legal process to go to this.

It's important that people and the press talk about these tragedies. It's important if we are to have a cultural shift in people's mindset.  That is one reason I appreciate the bike lanes - it validates us.

At one time it was acceptable to litter - remember "Give a Hoot - Don't Pollute!" and the other anti-littering campaigns?


Sounds good but "preaching to the choir" won't change entitled, douchebag, stupid asses

I ran into cyclist and criminal defense attorney Ian Kasper yesterday and he graciously agreed to join me for Tuesday evening's discussion at REI.  He will be far better able than I to discuss the criminal law aspects of the Bobby Cann case.  Trust me that you will be very interested in hearing what he has to say.  I personally learned a lot from my short conversation with him. 

working, so i can't go, but looking forward to hearing about the discussion on here.

I'll be there as well to offer my thoughts on such exciting topics as auto insurance, IDOT, and changes I'd like to see.

I cannot attend this, but it sounds like a great forum with really knowledgeable people to answer questions and discuss issues.

Thank you, Cameron. Thank you Brendan for inviting me and allowing me to be a part of this discussion.  As we discussed Saturday, I AM OPPOSED TO THE BOBBY CANN NO PLEA-BARGAIN PETITION, and will discuss this and what people may be able to do to honor Mr. Cann and make their presence felt on this issue.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Thank you for taking the time to do this. Several years ago when a different case had everyone talking, I attended a round table that you and Ian Kasper hosted about the legal issues surrounding a crash and found it very informative. I'd encourage anyone curious about the legal process to go to this.

Yep, we're a go. I'm told that Steven Vance will be there too.

I regret my inability to attend this.  Perhaps someone can relate some highlights in this thread tomorrow?

h' 1.0 said:


Thank you, Brendan, for putting this together, and to you, Ian, Jim, John, and Jason for sharing all of the information you did last night. What a generous and great thing. I can't think of a better way to "celebrate" Bike Week. We're lucky to have such generous support in our community. More like this, please. 


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