Chicago bike sharing will be known as Divvy, be Chicago flag blue

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I received an email. Check your spam folder?

Arup Sarma said:

Has anyone received a confirmation e-mail after signing up? I got to the page that confirmed my membership (#868, I think) but never received an e-mail.

+1  I got a confirmation email almost immediately.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I received an email. Check your spam folder?

Arup Sarma said:

Has anyone received a confirmation e-mail after signing up? I got to the page that confirmed my membership (#868, I think) but never received an e-mail.

Anyone seen any proof that this is not in fact an elaborate Ponzi scheme?

Two weeks to go from today and I have not seen any pictures that show docks being placed on the street.  I am starting to wonder...

I don't think it's a ponzi scheme, I think it's a conspiracy. Of what kind I'm not sure. Something to do with helmets and PBL's causing head injuries. Also, the Liberal Agenda.

Didn't they not set up the NYC docks until right before the launch?

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Anyone seen any proof that this is not in fact an elaborate Ponzi scheme?

Two weeks to go from today and I have not seen any pictures that show docks being placed on the street.  I am starting to wonder...

In other cities, including NYC, stations were set up very close to the launch date. 

Define very close. I am getting nervous that they charged my credit card for $65 and then all of a sudden...Poof! ;)

You think Gabe is in on the Ponzi scheme?

Anne Alt said:

In other cities, including NYC, stations were set up very close to the launch date. 

The docks in NY were actually in about a month or so, I believe, and we've got two weeks. But they have more docks initially, so it was more work, I'm guessing.

Their bikes weren't in until two days before launch.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Define very close. I am getting nervous that they charged my credit card for $65 and then all of a sudden...Poof! ;)

You think Gabe is in on the Ponzi scheme?

Anne Alt said:

In other cities, including NYC, stations were set up very close to the launch date. 

They're going to have a station right by my apartment. Awesome! This is going to make my trip to the El and back so lovely on those days when I can't bike all the way to and from work.

Jumping in with some details about stations going up, since it's been mentioned a few times. 

You'll start to see the first stations on the ground very soon. 75 stations will go up in June, 300 by end of the summer. We've already announced the "June" Stations on our website and will be announcing the "July" Stations shortly. 

NYC did things a little differently than Chicago. They put hundreds of stations on the ground and then launched them all at once. We'll be launching with a smaller number of stations, and adding continuously over the course of the summer. We're doing it this way because (1) we don't want Chicagoans to have to wait until all the stations are placed to be able to use Divvy and (2) we want to be able to use data that we gather from our initial launch to make the system better as it grows and evolves. 

PS - We also think it's pretty incredible that more than 1000 people have already singed up as Members (in the first 48 hours) without Divvy having placed any stations on the ground. Thanks for all your support, everyone. 

Thanks ,Elliot. I'm really looking forward to the node being put in by Central Park and Bryn Mawr. I'm looking forward to all of them,really.

Ooooh! Exciting! I see evidence of racks being placed soon. Both on Wells @ Oak and Clinton @ Madison signs appeared on existing bike racks that they will be removed today. Both are June Locations for Divvy...

On Wells @ Oak the bike racks are so dilapidated they should be thrown out. Not sure if they plan to replace them. On Clinton @ Madison (in front of the FFC) the bike racks are likely moved 30 feet south. I saw markings on the ground indicating the new locations.

Anyone else see any signs of activity?


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