Hi. New here.  Got into biking as excercise a little over a year ago when my doc told me I shouldn't run anymore, and I'm really loving it now, and trying to learn what I can along the way. I've been riding a beater for a couple of years now and am looking to purchase a versatile bike that can serve as a commuter and handle other kinds of riding that I'm interested in (longer rides, light trail stuff) but haven't gotten into yet.   

I'm a big guy, 6'4 220, and I tend to ride kinda hard. Since I don't have any friends in town who are my size and ride, the only experience that I have on nice bikes is limited to mostly to frames that don't particularly fit. I know that I want steel to minimize the shock to my back. So internet research has led me to a Surly CrossCheck or an All City Space Horse. 

I know they're similar bikes but if anyone has any advice either way, please let me know. (Or if there are other bikes under $1500 that I should be considering.) Such a big purchase I just want to make sure that I'm not overlooking things that I will find important in a year. 

Thanks. And thanks for this resource.  I just found the chainlink and it seems really awesome

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Hey M,

Sorry this isn't a more substantive comment (I don't know that much about bikes, just love riding them) but Comrade Cycles stocks both those bikes (I considered both and got the CC) and they might be able to help you differentiate between them. And they are super nice guys. Having recently upgraded from a beater bike to a nice bike I can relate and am in love with my new bike! (Though kept the beater which is great for times where you need to lock up for a long time and don't want to worry...) Good luck! 

Thanks a lot.  I saw that Comrade was a dealer of both.  So weird, I moved away from that block right before they got there. I'll check them out.

Anne B. said:

Hey M,

Sorry this isn't a more substantive comment (I don't know that much about bikes, just love riding them) but Comrade Cycles stocks both those bikes (I considered both and got the CC) and they might be able to help you differentiate between them. And they are super nice guys. Having recently upgraded from a beater bike to a nice bike I can relate and am in love with my new bike! (Though kept the beater which is great for times where you need to lock up for a long time and don't want to worry...) Good luck! 

I don't have either of those bikes, but I'm a big guy too (6'4" 200lbs was 220lbs but shed 20 this winter/spring by biking & running). If I was in the market for a new bike, it would pretty much be those 2 models and I would definitely purchase from Comrade, great little shop. My advice is to go there, test ride and take home the model you like.

Yeah - those bikes sound great. I am your size and weight and my advice is to get one of those bikes, but also keep the beater! A beater as a spare bike is a better commuter than the CTA when your Space Horse or Cross Check is in the shop or has some other temporary ailment.  

(oh crap Anne already suggested this! Good suggestion Anne!)

I own two bikes, one steel, both bought from bikesdirect.com.  I've had great experiences with them as have my friends.  However, you need to know the fit with some degree of confidence before you buy a bike from them.  Most of their models take 20 minutes to set up. A few require a complete build, which somebody like Uptown Bikes is glad to do. 

They certainly have many phenomenal bikes under $1,500.  Based on a quick review of the Surly, BD would have several competitive models.  If you google their model name  you can usually find a few reviews and writeups from owners.

You end up getting bikes for about 40% less than what you would pay in a store. But you need to have some do it yourself mentality in terms of the fit. In terms of support any bike shop can tune or fix these bikes as they are the same parts (shimano, etc.).

I am not affiliated with them in any way, just a pleased customer.

I realize there are bikes direct haters out there because it does not help the existence of local bike shops (which is true).  

Totally- The old steed will get to retire and become a bar bike.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Yeah - those bikes sound great. I am your size and weight and my advice is to get one of those bikes, but also keep the beater! A beater as a spare bike is a better commuter than the CTA when your Space Horse or Cross Check is in the shop or has some other temporary ailment.  

(oh crap Anne already suggested this! Good suggestion Anne!)

You might want to try a touring bike or two for comparison. A little heavier, but may have an advantage. The wheelbase is a little longer, which can help with stability and utility if you haul/commute much. You will probably wind up choosing between your original options, but it's worth checking out.

FWIW, I ride a steel cyclocross and sometimes wish my wheelbase was longer.

most of the bikesdirect bikes are the same steel alloy as the Surly you're referencing (4130 cro-moly).

avoid hi-tensile steel frames!

i thought long about going with a bikesdirect bike but ended up going with a local shop for a bit more money.  don't regret it though!

I sometimes wonder if I should have gotten a Cross Check rather then the LHT but really it's just so comfortable and can handle a lot of shopping in addition to my commute.  Heck, I'm even going to try touring with it...

OLB 0.1 said:

You might want to try a touring bike or two for comparison. A little heavier, but may have an advantage. The wheelbase is a little longer, which can help with stability and utility if you haul/commute much. You will probably wind up choosing between your original options, but it's worth checking out.

FWIW, I ride a steel cyclocross and sometimes wish my wheelbase was longer.

+1 for comrade
REI stocks surly and is having big anniversary sale, but fit/sizing can make such a difference hence trusted LBS wins.

Question though: I'm 5'9 and 155. I used to be 208. I have COPD and other health issues. My doc said I should stop running. I stopped seeing that doc, lost the weight running, and now have stronger joints. Don't know the specifics of your sitch and not trying to pry - just feel the need to say hey sometimes doctors are wrong and a second or third opinion can make a world of difference.

grayn8 - Thought about REI because of the rebate thing, but if I go Surly I don't want a stock build- I've been strenuously advised against bar-end shifters. And plus I really would rather to give business to a local shop anyway.

I hear you on the doc thing. Ive been through a few, and probably been a little dickish to at least one just out of frustration with the injury.  Running was my therapy. Its still so tempting, and sometimes on a hot day I cant resist kicking a few miles, but I have degenerative lumbar discs that I can screw up easily so its always a risk, even though Im a pretty fit 220 and work on core stuff as much as I can.  (Once I rolled over in bed wrong and was out of commission for a few days.  Its a really effing frustrating condition.)  Thanks for the concern, though.

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

+1 for comrade
REI stocks surly and is having big anniversary sale, but fit/sizing can make such a difference hence trusted LBS wins.

Question though: I'm 5'9 and 155. I used to be 208. I have COPD and other health issues. My doc said I should stop running. I stopped seeing that doc, lost the weight running, and now have stronger joints. Don't know the specifics of your sitch and not trying to pry - just feel the need to say hey sometimes doctors are wrong and a second or third opinion can make a world of difference.

Shifting is highly personal and while there are intricacies to different types, I don't think there is a strong consensus on what type is the best. So while someone might strongly advise against bar-ends,  another will strongly advise for them (like me). Regardless, You shouldn't rule them out until you try them and since they come stock on CrossChecks, it should be pretty easy to test.

M said:

grayn8 - Thought about REI because of the rebate thing, but if I go Surly I don't want a stock build- I've been strenuously advised against bar-end shifters. And plus I really would rather to give business to a local shop anyway.

I hear you on the doc thing. Ive been through a few, and probably been a little dickish to at least one just out of frustration with the injury.  Running was my therapy. Its still so tempting, and sometimes on a hot day I cant resist kicking a few miles, but I have degenerative lumbar discs that I can screw up easily so its always a risk, even though Im a pretty fit 220 and work on core stuff as much as I can.  (Once I rolled over in bed wrong and was out of commission for a few days.  Its a really effing frustrating condition.)  Thanks for the concern, though.

grayn8 (5.3 - 36) said:

+1 for comrade
REI stocks surly and is having big anniversary sale, but fit/sizing can make such a difference hence trusted LBS wins.

Question though: I'm 5'9 and 155. I used to be 208. I have COPD and other health issues. My doc said I should stop running. I stopped seeing that doc, lost the weight running, and now have stronger joints. Don't know the specifics of your sitch and not trying to pry - just feel the need to say hey sometimes doctors are wrong and a second or third opinion can make a world of difference.


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