nice to see so many people on Chuch Street wearing helmets today!

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Ride to Star Lounge?

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

There was a thread or something once about a "ride your bike to different coffee shops" challenge.  That sounded like fun.  

Mike F said:

I prefer to combine coffee or espresso with bike riding. A good independent coffee shop is a worthwhile destination. Cappuccino good:-). I don't drink beer or wine, but love green tea.

Back to helmets for a minute. I don't think they're the most important safety measure, but yesterday when a friend in front of me played front linesman with the trunk of a car, I was glad there was a helmet in the tackle. 

Clearly you have mistaken this thread for a thread about helmets.  This is a thread about food, beer, and wine.  Please keep on topic. ;-)
Melissa said:

Back to helmets for a minute. I don't think they're the most important safety measure, but yesterday when a friend in front of me played front linesman with the trunk of a car, I was glad there was a helmet in the tackle.

A "Ride for Bicycle Safety" would be more comprehensive.  What an excellent idea!!

Sounds like the menu at the Vic theatre. What movie is this from?

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


Beer, popcorn, ready.

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