On a wickedly humid ride in this morning after sharing coffee with some fellow riders I did an informal lid count.  I didn't start counting until I was around North Ave. I had ridden in from north of the border.  9 or 22 riders had a helmet. I'm not sure how that trends. Is this more or less coverage than ususal?  It seems about par to me.  As I was riding with my friend Dr. Dan and told him I was counting he told me about another doctor who had been in an accident and had some orthopedic injuries but his head was fine.  His helmet had been demolished.  Hmm.  As best I could tell everybodythis morning had their zippers zippered, but for some reason 13/22 were metaphorically unzippered.

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David Barish said:

Also, as best as I can tell beer goes with everything.

That may be true downtown, but my own counts in Bucktown / Wicker Park / Logan Square / Humboldt Park and the immediate surrounding areas are more like 1-5 out of 20 riders with helmets.  This comes from both riding and driving these areas very regularly.  I'm not saying my "study" is very scientific either, I'm just trying to bring attention to geographical differences in helmet-use trends.

But really, who cares?  Just ride your bike and let everyone else do the same, helmet or not.  If you actually take the time to do a "lid count" on your rides, you're focusing on the wrong issues.

David Barish said:

Althought tongue in cheek is a common place for me to be it was not where I was when I posted. When I saw helmet after helmet pass me by recently, I was surprised.  Its difficult to churn any particular result from this anecdotal and (as Lisa observed and I stated)unscientific evidence. However, it led me to believe that perhaps more people are wearing helmets. Whether that's true, to what extent etc is unverifiable and unknown.  We are all minor scientists in our lives. We take our little anecdotal studies and then based on what we get we do more study.  At that time (not now) we may be able to draw some real conclusions.  For now I willl say, "downtown commuters may appear to be wearing helmets in greater proportion than they used to."  What will I do with that? I will test the assumption to see if it stands up. I always thought that the phrase "assuming makes an ass of you and me" is a particularly foolish one. We must assume. We test assumptions and we move on. If not, we never learn anything.  I agree we can look like an ass if we make assumptions and delude ourselves into thinking they are facts. 

As far as last week's discussion, I was only making an observation. I do have a point of view (pro helmet) but that really wasn't on the table here. 

Now we will have to see if I saw  a surprising variant or a real trend.  Keep your eyes open.  I might do so on the ride home.  Also, as best as I can tell beer goes with everything.

Oh look. Another helment discussion…

You may be on to something. If there are any trends to take from the miniscule data they may be geographical rather than related to time.  My original post a couple years ago were on a ride when I started counting at Damen/Elston/Fullerton coming towards the loop.  The more recent count took place from a car sitting in traffic just north of the river for a mere two blocks near the Kinzie bike lane. There may indeed be different populations. I suspect there may be greater numbers of lids in the loop than elsewhere. 

Nick G said:

That may be true downtown, but my own counts in Bucktown / Wicker Park / Logan Square / Humboldt Park and the immediate surrounding areas are more like 1-5 out of 20 riders with helmets.  This comes from both riding and driving these areas very regularly.  I'm not saying my "study" is very scientific either, I'm just trying to bring attention to geographical differences in helmet-use trends.

Another thread will soon include the helmet discussion . . . 

I got super attached the to popcorn and soda (with whisky from a flask) combo back when I used to actually go to movies in theaters. Ever since, popcorn and beer does not seem right to me at all.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:


David Barish said:

Also, as best as I can tell beer goes with everything.

I started wearing gloves after a couple of falls resulted in some nasty road rash on my hands. Since I started wearing them I've only fallen once. I'm not saying it is a talisman, but it might as well be as I never ride without them any more.

James BlackHeron said:

Did you count for crosses worn around the neck, lucky rabbits feet, and other magic talismans?


How about gloves?


Eat popcorn out of your helment.

1st suburbanites, now this calumny against beer and popcorn :) 

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

But it is a self-described "unscientific study".  Like beer goes with pretzels but not with popcorn.

A favorite activity of zombies. For some reason they don't like beer with this delicacy.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Eat popcorn out of your helment.

I for one never leave my house without my pedestrian safety helment.

Thanks Mike!

Mike F said:

I replace my helmets every 3 yrs. or so. Mainly because the straps are dirty or the thing is just too smelly. Also I like new helmets. I would definitely replace a damaged helmet right away.


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