Nice first ride in the COLD.


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It was pretty crowded on LFT this morning.  Was that your doing, Lisa? :-)

I must be the Pied Piper of cycling. ;-)

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

It was pretty crowded on LFT this morning.  Was that your doing, Lisa? :-)

There are pies on the LFP? 

The ride this morning was magnificent. The early bird does get the worm, or in our case, the early cyclist gets the road to himself. Those automobiles are so lazy! 

On a side note, I rebuilt my bottom bracket yesterday (At Workingbikes!) and was rewarded with plenty. Eliminating all noise and play on your ride is well worth the effort, and makes you that much more stealthy and sleek when gliding past the fair weatherers. 


For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

Wore sandals! Wore sandals! Wore sandals! Wore sandals!

dress! dress! dress on bike to meetings!!!!

Had an awesome ride in to work this morning !

21:05 to work this morning ! Got all green light enroute !

Not bad for a "fat", old guy on a heavy mountain bike with big blue knobbies on.






No shorts, no sandals, no tshirt   ;-/

But...righteous tailwind riding to the loop from Montrose on LFP.  Was fun!

Oh the Tail Wind!! It is a magical thing! 

I like the 40/50s... Just have to remember how to dress for them and after a few days in the 80s I only have a short-term memory.

Shorts and heavy hat plus gloves = happy happy joy joy

TAKE NOTE: 18th street folks between western and Damen, lots of worker bees ripping up the road. Crazed cagers making unexpected u turns.

Another nice tail wind ride.  Love that. 

Going home will probably be head wind/rain, cannot say I'm looking forward to that.

But, it is a FRIDAY ride home!


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