Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I am glad everyone else seemed to have the Amazing Experience I did on my bike this morning. It was a huge improvement on last night. 

I'm with Lisa... I would have rode all day, if it weren't for this pesky little job thing that pays for the bike habits!

Wind was pretty crazy last night. It was pretty stiff this morning also, but spring break makes for some nicely empty streets on my usual commute (the route of which I alter it is gonna co-incide with dropping off the kids time.) 

Yesterday my usual route also featured a scene being shot for the Chicago Fire teevee show. It was pretty fun in the morning to see [SPOILER SORT OF] two tanker trucks on their side in the soon to be a park at Loomis and Lock. On my way home actual shooting was happening. I was glad to see this sign:

as these scenes can look pretty realistic, uh, except of course for all the crew and stuff...

This morning was gorgeous, spring break = happy streets.  Last night wasn't horrible, I had 3 gusts, 1 that almost stopped me completely!  N. of Belmont wasn't too bad.  Division and Mil was insanely windy

Agree with Will. Was a nice ride in.

Sounds like my decision to wimp out and not ride yesterday was a good decision.

Today was a good ride in. Traffic seemed light; perhaps a lot of folks took off for spring break this year.

That apartment building on the corner creates wind.  I absolutely avoid that intersection on windy days because the worst of the wind hits as one is passing the backed up cars!
Apie 10.64 said:

  Division and Mil was insanely windy

Today was very nice for riding.  There's a film crew camped out along Wabash Ave near my office this week filming a pilot but no emergency crews or anything cool like that.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.


First ride in over a week due to a nasty cold.  Lovely sunrise.  The pic was taken at LFT @ Ardmore about 6:35.  Hopefully the cell phone pic is good enough...

It's a beautiful crisp cool morning for a ride.  I had a group of five guys at the train station totally intrigued by my Dahon folder, so I got delayed for a few minutes doing a folding/unfolding demo and answering questions.  Folding bikes seem to interest a lot of random folks.

Good enough! 

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

First ride in over a week due to a nasty cold.  Lovely sunrise.  The pic was taken at LFT @ Ardmore about 6:35.  Hopefully the cell phone pic is good enough...


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