Please let me know if this is a duplicate thread and I'll close this one... a few recent experiences have left me thinking it would be good to keep a video log of my ride.

Who's got experience with these and what can you recommend?

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If you get one of these you have to let me know.  I've been intending to get one for years now.

I'd probably just end up taping myself assaulting soccer moms...

I use The Epic Carbine HD.  Love it!  It is small, about the size of a front facing bike light, light, and very easy to mount on handlebars and helmet.  It is also not terribly expensive.  I used it to record my first ride in the Dearborne bike lane.

Thanks, Brendan!  I've been thinking about investing in one of these, but hate how bulky some of them are.  Love the size of this one.

How long do 3 AAA batteries last?

How many hours can it record on a card?

Also, does it have an automatic overwrite functionality once the card is full?

Brendan Kevenides said:

I use The Epic Carbine HD.  Love it!  It is small, about the size of a front facing bike light, light, and very easy to mount on handlebars and helmet.  It is also not terribly expensive.  I used it to record my first ride in the Dearborne bike lane.

After exhaustive research (which could be valid for about 3 months tops), someone found this:

It is due out in March.  I have worked with MonoPrice before, they are very reliable, great return policy!!

The specs on the camera are really good.  I read a pre-release review which suggested the GoPro is a bit better, but it is twice the price.  I saw the video example and could not tell the difference between the two.

I have a small not waterproof video cam, for documenting the commute, which was ok.  I will probably move up to the MonoPrice, if reviews hold up.

I'd like to know more too.  BTW, has the illegality of recording cops been reversed yet?  If not, are you legal if you turn off the audio recording on these?

I'm often asked if my helmet light is a camera.  I think seeing a camera, or what they think is a camera, changes behavior in certain drivers.

For under a hundred bucks this might be worth 'playing' with... Only real down side is the only 3 hours of continuous recording. (But I don't know what the Go-Pro has or any other for that matter.) For a typical daily commute it is perfect, I was just thinking of having it for a long tour as well.

Stuart said:

After exhaustive research (which could be valid for about 3 months tops), someone found this:

It is due out in March.  I have worked with MonoPrice before, they are very reliable, great return policy!!

The specs on the camera are really good.  I read a pre-release review which suggested the GoPro is a bit better, but it is twice the price.  I saw the video example and could not tell the difference between the two.

I have a small not waterproof video cam, for documenting the commute, which was ok.  I will probably move up to the MonoPrice, if reviews hold up.

I just bought an 808 Keychain Camera and mounted it to my bars. It is fairly cheap and probably not waterproof..but Im sure it will be easy enough to seal up. The video quality is pretty decent. The entire thing + a cheap microSD card cost less than $20 and set up was a breeze. It is rechargable and there are not any drivers to install on your computer to view the files.

Liquid Image EGO 727. It cost around $180, comes with a rain shield and a mount but I bought the Minoura VC 100.

Pros- Holds a two-hour charge and accepts a 32 gb card, which allows for around 12-16 hrs of footage when recording in 720p.I used it when stormed a few weeks ago and it still works so it must be pretty water resistant.

Cons - PCs reformat the card to ms-dos (or NTFS, I forgot), which basically crashes the camera. Ex-fat is the preferred format. The mic picks up - every - vibration.

Other - A 20 min 720 video is about 1.5 gbs and it also records a super-grainy video that is around 50mbs.

I've had it for a month, use it basically everyday on my 20 min commute and for occasional weekend rides. At this point I've recorded nothing exciting... Will post a meteorite video when I record one.
Might want to look at these.
FYI: I have order from them & shipping always seem to take along time with them,
Maybe this then. Same company just a different site.

I have been debating getting a GoPro Hero, but have not done so because of the hefty $400 price tag for the black level (I'd want the WiFi remote, and the ability to take photos and video simultaneously). Does anyone have experience with it? I hear the battery life is terrible.


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