Bike-Friendly Housing Co-op Unit for sale, asking $4900 buy-in, $1001/mo

The HUB Housing Co-op was started in 2005 by a bunch of Chicago cyclists.  We're a fun, yet responsible group.  Sam and I are finally leaving the co-op, and our sweet studio unit is for sale.  I say "sweet" because it has a cork floor, giant soaking tub, and skylights.  The co-op is a great way to own property cooperatively (so your responsibility is less), and to live with friends.  And it's right on the boulevard, which now has a protected bike lane.

Chicago magazine did a video about us!

If you have questions or would like to come see the place/meet the cooperators, call (312) 469-0794 or email

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Really nice.  That south face should get a lot of sun, too.  Looks like the first floor was a store at one time.  Is it still zoned commercial?

I watched the video and found it with streetview.

I've been there, it's an awesome space.  and even more awesome neighbors :))

I actually did not check our zoning in order to reply, but I don't think we're zoned commercial.  The first floor is elevated somewhat, it has a normal apartment layout, and it's occupied by wonderful cycling neighbors.

Tricolor said:

Really nice.  That south face should get a lot of sun, too.  Looks like the first floor was a store at one time.  Is it still zoned commercial?

I watched the video and found it with streetview.


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