I rode in to work today, and now I'm thinking I might have to bus it half the way home.  I live about 7 miles from my office which really isn't bad, but man it is hot out there.  I was just wondering if I'm the only one considering wussing out.

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wouldn't it be a hoot to dress for winter tomorrow?!?!?!  layers, boots, goggles 

amazing the difference in temps.   I'd take the cold any day.

This is my favorite riding weather. The cold/snow can kiss my ass.
Not me! I will pick Summer over spring winter and fall.
What's the weather tomorrow? I'm ready!


I also like summer over winter. I was uncomfortable today, but in general always prefer heat over cold. 

David Ramos said:

Not me! I will pick Summer over spring winter and fall.
What's the weather tomorrow? I'm ready!
Still riding. At least it's still double digits! I seen a preacher on a milk crate at State and something about 15 years ago. It was this same heat and he was wearing an all black suit with no shade to stand in, yet he was dry as a bone. I asked him "man aren't you hot?" (I was drenched in sweat). He told me, "you have to believe in Jesus! If you believe, and have faith, you too won't sweat when you don't want to sweat. It's all in your mind." Never did get that to work.

Just got back from a 30 mile ride. Logan Square to Wilmette's Gillson Park beach and back. Taking a dip in the lake was a major payoff. Even better than AC!



Kevin C 4.1 mi said:


It is the heat technically, since there is no such thing as cold.       right?

I will take days like today over days like the day I posted this every time.


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