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Done. I happen to know Todd's no longer using it.

Duane Waller said:

OK Frank!

And Kevin C, you think I can be coerced? What do you think this is, CHICAGO?

Oh, wait, in that case, I'll take the thread down once you get me a private elevator for my office, just like Todd Stroger had ;)

Love this idea, and love your work. Could you turn my 87 GT Karakorum into a Liberace? It's my commuter, and I like being seen :)

So Excited....fingers crossed!!!

Very cool idea.  I'd LOVE to have a new Chester paint job on my mountain bike.  

Aggghhh! Less than an 8.85% chance. Thanks again Duane.
You could graciuosly withdraw your entry, thereby increasing everyones chance.
Just sayin...

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:
Aggghhh! Less than an 8.85% chance. Thanks again Duane.
This would decrease my chances by 100% and only improve everyone else's chances by less than .08%. Now if you and everyone else were to graciously withdraw your entries...

Duppie 13.5185km said:
You could graciuosly withdraw your entry, thereby increasing everyones chance.
Just sayin...

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:
Aggghhh! Less than an 8.85% chance. Thanks again Duane.

“The Duesenberg” (body colors used on classic-era automobiles)

E-mail sent.

Bummer, thought the entries were closed at 113? Guess i didn't cross my fingers, or bribe, hard enough.

I am, quite literally, giddy.

Nice! Congrats. Make sure to show us the end results.

notoriousDUG said:

I am, quite literally, giddy.

I'll be curious to see the paint jobs when they're done.  


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