I'm back at it again. Taking pictures of bikes was fun, might continue it in the future but I am really happy with my new project "Urban Warriors: Chicago Cyclists"

I don't know what will become of it, maybe a gallery one day or part of one, I'd like to see that happen, but for now it will remain web only.

If anyone would like there portrait done, let me know! :-) 

here is what I have so far, all are previews:

Urban Warriors

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Your photos look awesome !!! Great job !!!

Love the look Kevin! You definitely should keep it going

Ive always wanted to do this but dont have the time and resources, but just snapping picture of bikes in general, on the street or locked up. You dont necessarily have to have it with someone, you could get them while theyre track standing at a red or just riding down the street. Just my 2cents

Vitaliy said:

Ive always wanted to do this but dont have the time and resources, but just snapping picture of bikes in general, on the street or locked up. You dont necessarily have to have it with someone, you could get them while theyre track standing at a red or just riding down the street. Just my 2cents

The reason to have someone in each of these photos is well to add story and depth. Anybody can do what you just said and doesn't have a lot of substance. These images are for me to get to know the riders and to share them with others. It's far more intimate as well :-)

And thank you all checking out my work! I'll post a link to the online gallery in a bit!

OH! That makes a lot of sense. I actually agree. You get to see the rider and the ridden. It's interesting how bikes reflect some aspect of a person's life. Keep at it!

Do it. I have my niche. Invent yours. Love the photos, Kevin.

Kevin these are awesome. post a couple here too (little icon on the left next to the "link" box.

Your shots are lovely.  I think your concept of an urban warrior will be enhanced by photos over the next couple months as we see stalactites of crystalized water dangling from moustaches, spray flying from tires, and faces obscured by balaclavas. 



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