Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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That was no horn; that was my flamingo. He saw a fellow Chainlinker and started squawking.
Melanie K said:

I saw Gene and the Flamingo on State Street near Huron. He has the neatest sounding bike horn! Go Flamingo!

Watching episode 1, season 2, of "Boss" I saw this cyclist that I have seen around the loop. I think he's a messenger. can't Miss that bike. :)

I saw Laurie Chipps on Montrose - she was on her way to CX practice, I was on my way to the train. :-)

Garth and I saw Cameron and Susan 2 minutes apart from each other on Wells last week. That was funny.

I ran into two chainlinkers today. Sarah d. And she referred me to david of lincoln square acupuncture... whoi find out is also a chainlinker. Nice masi frame in the office!

Not today, but last Thursday I met terryg.  It was nice to meet you Terry!

I encountered Iggy this morning on my way to work.


I bet he is John "Blunt" Robbins.  I don`t know him, only read about him:



S.Presley☠ said:

Watching episode 1, season 2, of "Boss" I saw this cyclist that I have seen around the loop. I think he's a messenger. can't Miss that bike. :)


(wasn't biking...but i wasn't driving either)


Sunday morning I saw Ryan L and Steven Vance inside New Wave Coffee in Logan Square.

I'm sure they were discussing cycling and possibly the chainlink !

p.s. I LOVE their coffee (Metropolis)

Forgot about this thread.  Saw Michelle Stenzel this morning--southbound in the Dearborn lanes at Randolph while we were both on the way to work.

I wouldn't have recognized you under all those vests, straps, helmets, masks and what not, if it weren't for your easy-for-me-to-recognize Linus bike! You sure looked warm. Nice to see a friendly face in the bike lane, especially so early in the morning.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Forgot about this thread.  Saw Michelle Stenzel this morning--southbound in the Dearborn lanes at Randolph while we were both on the way to work.

Oh yes, yellow safety vest with reflective tape, bern helmet, goggles, flashing lights front and rear. I just want to be seen.


And I was warm but not too warm!


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