I'm looking for a mixte or step through bike in the 55-60 cm size range (21-24 in) - new, newish or vintage.  It doesn't need to be in perfect condition.  A fixer up in structurally good condition with some *cosmetic* flaws is okay. 

Vintage Raleigh, Nishiki, Univega, Motobecane or comparable quality medium weight steel frame bike would be great.

I want something suitable that I can customize as a multi-purpose city transportation ride, similar to this vintage Nishiki.  If you've got something like this to sell, or know someone who does, please send me a message.

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If your still looking..............I have a Panasonic Sport 1000 mixte in very good condition.

Anne, I have a nice Mixte you might want to take a look at.

Post pics and info, you guys! If Anne doesn't want them, there are more of us out here, in the large frame vintage steel mixte market! :) 

This bike has a Tange 900 frameset

Todd Boring said:

If your still looking..............I have a Sport 1000 mixte in very good condition.

I've got a vintage Raleigh that I thought was 21", but might just be 19" with a long reach. The frame seems okay but it needs some work. Ridable, if you put on a new saddle. I'm definitely willing to let it go for any reasonable offer. It's got drop handlebars. I got it for myself but decided to pass on fixing it up due to the reach issue.

Ken, Todd, Sue - Could you each post a picture or two, in addition to approx. frame size?  Thanks!

I am sans camera at present. Sorry.

How are you measuring the frame sizes? Seem awkward on step-thru frames.

the only way i can think of to do it would be:

measuring from bb to the point at which the seat post tube would meet the head tube, if they were joined with a top tube parallel to the ground. the tricky part would be to get an accurate hypothetical c to c measurement.

How about components, color, etc. on each bike?

Sarah D. said:

Post pics and info, you guys! If Anne doesn't want them, there are more of us out here, in the large frame vintage steel mixte market! :) 

why not just c to t?

John said:

the only way i can think of to do it would be:

measuring from bb to the point at which the seat post tube would meet the head tube, if they were joined with a top tube parallel to the ground. the tricky part would be to get an accurate hypothetical c to c measurement.

The Panasonic is a bike I picked up as a project. The original owner bought it new and used it very little. I have not done any cleaning or maintenance to this bike. It is shown as found. Servicing all the bearings would be highly recommended.


Same story on the 52cm Peugeot and the 48cm Murray. The 55cm Raleigh in my avatar is also available as a frameset w/headset, BB and cranks





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