Nice first ride in the COLD.


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She is at peace. The gentle breeze soft against her face rustles the leaves above her, also. Her eyes pull upward. The golden leaves are glowing. As she narrows her focus, she notices unnatural movement. What she assumed were small, golden leaves are eyes, eerily glowing eyes. She pivots her head up to get a better look ... of the raccoon attached to those eyes. More raccoons. Hundreds of raccoons all staring at her. She rolls her head to the right and hundreds of the furry animals do the same in unison. She rotates her head to the left, only to be followed by a chorus of eyes. She glimpses her bike, so close, yet so far away. Does she have enough time to ....

Gerry G said:

Watching in the shadows... 

The wind was indeed strong.  It was weird to ride by Payton School this morning.

Hopefully, the wind direction will not change making the return ....a breeze.

Yep.  Nice day.



This morning = LFP = Gorgeous!


For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

First commute into work in two weeks. What a difference that makes. Much colder, strong wind, and I now require my headlights, even on a sunny day. Other than that it was nice to be back on a bike.

My first day not on the LFP but on the "mean streets".  I am missing the best time of the year!  I think tomorrow I am going to take side streets rather than Milwaukee just to see if there is any color in the neighborhood.

Wise choice, Lisa. Or, you could go well out of your way to the lakefront trail and enjoy it that way for a few more weeks. Longer vs. Prettier?

Lisa Curcio said:

My first day not on the LFP but on the "mean streets".  I am missing the best time of the year!  I think tomorrow I am going to take side streets rather than Milwaukee just to see if there is any color in the neighborhood.

Got a flat @ Mil,Damen, North on the way from Lincoln Square to Oak Park... Stopped @ home (W.P.) and grabbed a different bike and rode on. Nice to have options, different bike, different perspective.

Wonderful weather out there.

For more bike commute photos from today, click here.

The light and colors are surreal!  My side streets are not cutting it.  It would be really extra long to go to the lake to go to work, but I might just have to!

Maybe you need a once a once-per-week fix, Lisa.


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