Lakefront Bike Path south of 31st Street north of 47th street

I was attacked last night on the bike path.  Fortunately I escaped. Basically as I was riding my road bike southbound, I had passed the new harbor at 31st, on the path at approximately 10PM I saw a large group of people. I turned on my hand held flashlight, a very very bright light and they all scattered. Once I past a couple of people they all then moved in and WHACK I was hit with something big and hard on the shoulder.  Had it hit my head, arm or wheel it would have knocked me over and the beating would begin.  I rode on, called the police and waited. after a bit of time passed I could see 10 of the mob in the group attempt to surround me. I fled again, called the police and filed a report.  I am one lucky guy!

If I would have hit the ground i'm sure they would have beaten me to a pulp.  I will ride again, just not solo on the south side at night.


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Agreed, and inattentive folks with dogs on extra long leashes are just as bad.

El Dorado said:

I think it's still more dangerous to ride the LFP on the weekends during the day. The "soccer moms" with the double strollers are the worst. Even more dangerous than the "urban youth".

Its been a bit of a problem for a long time.  Many years ago (more than 10) I was riding down the Lake Front Path in that "Dark Zone" between 31st and 39th.   I was riding pretty fast and had nice "gyroscopic" action going.   Suddenly two youths tried to push me over (I suspect to rob me and take my Bicycle).  Fortunately I kept my balance and with the adrenal rush, I quickly got well out of harm's way.    About three months later I was held up at the 53rd Street Metra Station at Gun Point.    Its no longer an issue for me as I quickly moved to the Northside soon thereafter.   I know that the Hyde Park folk claim that the crime rate is not higher in Hyde Park, they are just more likely to report it, but I just don't believe it.  Almost everyone I know that has been robbed or mugged has had this happen to them in the Greater Hyde Park area.   I am not sure what can be done about the LFBP problem other than either "forming packs" by Van Buren (I suspect that a group of 10 plus Bicyclists riding en masse would not be attacked) or arranging for periodic police sweeps of the path  by police on bicycles or, and I think this is the most realistic, arrange for an officer on a Bike to ride down the path once an hour and allow bicycles to ride with him on the sweep.  (sort of the Calvary protecting a Wagon Train). 


As someone who currently actually lives in Hyde Park (and have for 25+ years), and actually rides on the LFP nearly every day, at all times of the day, all I can say is your impression is so far from my day-to-day reality that I don't know how to reconcile these different accounts.

I agree with S that there are a number of people who are unecessarily scared about conditions on the LFP in the Hyde Park area.  I would much rather ride on the south side LFP than on the north side LFP, as the south side LFP -- in my experience -- is much less risky.
David crZven said:

Its been a bit of a problem for a long time.  Many years ago (more than 10) I was riding down the Lake Front Path in that "Dark Zone" between 31st and 39th.   I was riding pretty fast and had nice "gyroscopic" action going.   Suddenly two youths tried to push me over (I suspect to rob me and take my Bicycle).  Fortunately I kept my balance and with the adrenal rush, I quickly got well out of harm's way.    About three months later I was held up at the 53rd Street Metra Station at Gun Point.    Its no longer an issue for me as I quickly moved to the Northside soon thereafter.   I know that the Hyde Park folk claim that the crime rate is not higher in Hyde Park, they are just more likely to report it, but I just don't believe it.  Almost everyone I know that has been robbed or mugged has had this happen to them in the Greater Hyde Park area.   I am not sure what can be done about the LFBP problem other than either "forming packs" by Van Buren (I suspect that a group of 10 plus Bicyclists riding en masse would not be attacked) or arranging for periodic police sweeps of the path  by police on bicycles or, and I think this is the most realistic, arrange for an officer on a Bike to ride down the path once an hour and allow bicycles to ride with him on the sweep.  (sort of the Calvary protecting a Wagon Train). 


I agree that it is extremely disturbing to read of this type of mob behavior.


I like that idea the best :


"or arranging for periodic police sweeps of the path  by police on bicycles or, and I think this is the most realistic, arrange for an officer on a Bike to ride down the path once an hour and allow bicycles to ride with him on the sweep.  (sort of the Calvary protecting a Wagon Train). 



Agreed. I lived in HP/Kenwood for 10 years (1989-99) and recall only one incident involving being relieved of a recently purchased bottle of scotch on 47th street, which was a fitting consequence for being misguided enough to buy a bottle of scotch on the 47th Street of 1990. I ride down to the Point, South Shore Beach House, or Osaka Garden from 31st Street pretty much every day, and the only "roving gangs of urban youth" I have yet to encounter are groups of 6 and 7 year-olds in matching day camp t-shirts. They're adorable up close, but I suppose to a certain kind of mind they could look from a distance like denizens of some 'dark corridor.'

Joe Studer said:

As someone who currently actually lives in Hyde Park (and have for 25+ years), and actually rides on the LFP nearly every day, at all times of the day, all I can say is your impression is so far from my day-to-day reality that I don't know how to reconcile these different accounts.

I agree with S that there are a number of people who are unecessarily scared about conditions on the LFP in the Hyde Park area.  I would much rather ride on the south side LFP than on the north side LFP, as the south side LFP -- in my experience -- is much less risky.
David crZven said:

Its been a bit of a problem for a long time.  Many years ago (more than 10) I was riding down the Lake Front Path in that "Dark Zone" between 31st and 39th.   I was riding pretty fast and had nice "gyroscopic" action going.   Suddenly two youths tried to push me over (I suspect to rob me and take my Bicycle).  Fortunately I kept my balance and with the adrenal rush, I quickly got well out of harm's way.    About three months later I was held up at the 53rd Street Metra Station at Gun Point.    Its no longer an issue for me as I quickly moved to the Northside soon thereafter.   I know that the Hyde Park folk claim that the crime rate is not higher in Hyde Park, they are just more likely to report it, but I just don't believe it.  Almost everyone I know that has been robbed or mugged has had this happen to them in the Greater Hyde Park area.   I am not sure what can be done about the LFBP problem other than either "forming packs" by Van Buren (I suspect that a group of 10 plus Bicyclists riding en masse would not be attacked) or arranging for periodic police sweeps of the path  by police on bicycles or, and I think this is the most realistic, arrange for an officer on a Bike to ride down the path once an hour and allow bicycles to ride with him on the sweep.  (sort of the Calvary protecting a Wagon Train). 


Unfortunately, this is consistent with general paranoia among many of our fellow cyclists about riding on the south side.  I ride in many neighborhoods across the south side and rarely experience an overall threat level there that's even close to the level of threat I routinely experience in traffic from overly privileged north side drivers who think that everyone else should get out of their way no matter what.

Between walking and riding many miles over the years all over the south side, I've been robbed exactly once and had no significant accidents and very few problems.  On the north side, I've been doored a few times and avoided many hundreds of potential doorings and other collisions.  On the north side lakefront path, I've had some minor collisions and avoided hundreds of potential collisions in congested areas.  A few friends have been seriously injured on the north side lakefront path due to things like dogs on overly long leashes, small children running into the path, errant volleyballs, collisions with other cyclists, etc.

I may be a bit more wary about street activity in some south side neighborhoods, but I face a lot more actual threats to my well being while riding on the north side.  No area is totally free of problems, but there's a lot less congestion on the south side, which makes it easier to see what's coming and avoid most potential problems.  Just sayin...



I think I normally agree with Anne, but I must take serious exception to this characterization. I moved to Kenwood from Avondale recently and I have written no fewer than three letters to lawmakers (including Gabe Chief of CDOT) about how unsafe it is for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists in my neighborhood. I won't exhaust you all with details, but as for feeling privileged? They've got a lock on that in Kenwood-Hyde Park - easily. No speed bumps, streets wide enough to take a trailer home on an 18-wheeler down the road, complete apathy from walkers who wave cars on, a total absence of rule of law and right of way...oh but I said I would not go into detail. Sigh. I am an unhappy transplant who enjoyed the privileges of biking that Avondale afforded me. Respectfully...Gail

Anne Alt said:

Unfortunately, this is consistent with general paranoia among many of our fellow cyclists about riding on the south side.  I ride in many neighborhoods across the south side and rarely experience an overall threat level there that's even close to the level of threat I routinely experience in traffic from overly privileged north side drivers who think that everyone else should get out of their way no matter what.

Between walking and riding many miles over the years all over the south side, I've been robbed exactly once and had no significant accidents and very few problems.  On the north side, I've been doored a few times and avoided many hundreds of potential doorings and other collisions.  On the north side lakefront path, I've had some minor collisions and avoided hundreds of potential collisions in congested areas.  A few friends have been seriously injured on the north side lakefront path due to things like dogs on overly long leashes, small children running into the path, errant volleyballs, collisions with other cyclists, etc.

I may be a bit more wary about street activity in some south side neighborhoods, but I face a lot more actual threats to my well being while riding on the north side.  No area is totally free of problems, but there's a lot less congestion on the south side, which makes it easier to see what's coming and avoid most potential problems.  Just sayin...

I'm sorry to hear that Kenwood-Hyde Park has been such a frustrating riding experience for you.  I've experienced a bit of what you're describing while riding there (but less than on a visit to Lincoln Park).  I'm also not in it every day like you are.  

I hope that you can find enough allies in your neighborhood to help get some positive changes made.

Gail Garcia said:

I think I normally agree with Anne, but I must take serious exception to this characterization. I moved to Kenwood from Avondale recently and I have written no fewer than three letters to lawmakers (including Gabe Chief of CDOT) about how unsafe it is for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists in my neighborhood. I won't exhaust you all with details, but as for feeling privileged? They've got a lock on that in Kenwood-Hyde Park - easily. No speed bumps, streets wide enough to take a trailer home on an 18-wheeler down the road, complete apathy from walkers who wave cars on, a total absence of rule of law and right of way...oh but I said I would not go into detail. Sigh. I am an unhappy transplant who enjoyed the privileges of biking that Avondale afforded me. Respectfully...Gail

Anne Alt said:

Unfortunately, this is consistent with general paranoia among many of our fellow cyclists about riding on the south side.  I ride in many neighborhoods across the south side and rarely experience an overall threat level there that's even close to the level of threat I routinely experience in traffic from overly privileged north side drivers who think that everyone else should get out of their way no matter what.


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