A man riding a bicycle was struck by a vehicle and seriously hurt this morning in the West Woodlawn neighborhood.
A vehicle hit the bicyclist about 11:15 a.m. in the 600 block of East Marquette Road, according to police News Affairs Officer Laura Kubiak.
The man suffered serious injuries and was taken by ambulance to John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, said Chicago Fire Dept. spokesman Kevin MacGregor.
The police Major Accident Investigation Unit was notified, said Kubiak.


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Darn vehicles driving around by themselves :(

Anybody know what happened to the gentleman who was injured in Oak Park during yesterday's Four-Star Bike Tour? Paramedics were just getting to him as I passed. He was lying in the street, obviously seriously injured, still tangled up in his bike. I didn't see a car nearby, so I wonder if it was a hit-and-run or perhaps the guy collapsed while riding.

Was it Oak Park or was it Riverside? I overheard the red shirts at the first full rest stop mentioning that someone had gotten doored.

The 4 Star bike tour crash was in Hinsdale.  I was about 20' behind him when he crashed and was first to tend to him.  It was a horrible looking crash and there was a lot of blood, but thankfully the injury seemed relatively minor.  He had a large cut over his left eye but aside from that seemed generally okay.  He didn't lose consciousness.  His helmet seemed to take the brunt of the crash.  There was little doubt among those of us that saw it that without his helmet he probably would have been very seriously hurt or killed.  A ambulance was quick to the scene.

There was no obvious cause of the crash.  He just seemed to suddenly flip forward while descending a hill.

The bad injury I saw was definitely in Oak Park - it was a block or two east of Frank Lloyd Wright's studio (On Chicago Ave around Oak Park Ave?). Frankly, I thought the guy was dead - eyes wide open, not so much as a twitch, big blood puddle on the pavement. //shudder// Nothing on the Oak Leaves Web site.

I saw the doored guy, only a few blocks from the start at UIC. He'll be OK.

Yikes. Is that a lot of casualties for a ride like this?

There was more than one crash, unfortunately.  I heard about the one that happened near the start, but no details.  A guy was doored on the east side of Riverside, not far from our rest stop.  I saw the ambulance going to the scene, and heard from the SAG driver who brought his bike to us for transport that his shoulder got it bad from the corner of the door.

I heard about another incident fairly early.  Brendan - I think that may have been the one you saw.

I haven't heard anything about the Oak Park crash.  I hope the guy will be okay.

I hope that anyone who crashed is able to make a good recovery as quickly as possible.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that there was more than one significant crash. Terrible.

I was, too.  That kind of news is never good to hear.  Neither was the news from Woodlawn.

Update on the search for the driver who hit the cyclist in Woodlawn:


I've been trying to find out more information about this incident.  Do you remember the approximate time when you saw him?  Did you see a rider number?  Do you remember what the bike looked like - color, brand anything?  I wondered if he was one of our riders, or a random cyclist who happened to be on the route during the event.

I heard that the guy who was doored in Riverside is doing okay and was able to retrieve his bike from Active Trans.   There were a few bikes transported by Active Trans after crashes.  All but one has been claimed by its owner.

Dave Jacque said:

The bad injury I saw was definitely in Oak Park - it was a block or two east of Frank Lloyd Wright's studio (On Chicago Ave around Oak Park Ave?). Frankly, I thought the guy was dead - eyes wide open, not so much as a twitch, big blood puddle on the pavement. //shudder// Nothing on the Oak Leaves Web site.

Lisa - Thank you for posting the update.  I hope that police are able to locate the driver.

Lisa Curcio said:

Update on the search for the driver who hit the cyclist in Woodlawn:


Ann - The guy was in his mid-to-late 40s, maybe early 50s, I would guess.  I want to say it was a blue road bike. He was on his stomach, sort of, so I didn't see a rider number. Would have been ~ 8:30-9 a.m. To be honest, I didn't want to stop and gawk, so I don't remember many details. 

An ATA volunteer at the bike valet booth told me that the guy had been taken to a hospital and that ATA was holding the bike (suggests that he was registered for the Tour). I'm guessing that's the one that hasn't been picked up -- he won't be riding for a while.


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