Is there a "just doored" section because it just happened to me 10 minutes ago

I was just doored heading east on Diversey ave a couple blocks west of Racine ave by a hispanic man who didn't speak much english at all and drove off immediately after I tried "talking" to him about it. I didn't get a plate number because I was in a daze and I still am. I have road rash on my arms, but I seem to be ok... I think. I have weird head, shoulder and neck pain. Luckily I was wearing my helmet today because it cracked on the ground on impact. Otherwise there would probably be skull bits all over the pavement.

I didn't even know what happened, I just felt impact and my head smacked the ground. I'm ashamed that I don't have health insurance, but I just can't afford it.

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Minh, glad to hear things are better. If you do need to follow up with a PCP and don't already have one, you can go to a community health center, which provides low cost medical care to uninsured patients. The city's website has lists of names by location. Be well.


I'm glad to hear that you've received medical attention. Should you need to pursue legal action against the driver or file a claim with their insurance you may want to contact a lawyer. A good rule of thumb is that you will want to limit the amount of information you post on the internet about your crash and treatment. This is info that could potentially used against you in court. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or need a referral to a qualified lawyer by calling our Crash Support Hotline: 312-869-HELP (4357).

Jason Jenkins

Education Specialist/ Crash Support Programs Manager

Seek a Doctor NOW Remember what happened to Vanessa Regrave?

She woke up dead from a head injury. Stroger is the place to go. Dizzy? Diall 911

Next time, don't get up. People will come around and it will turn into a scene from which he won't be able to escape. If you have medical bills, his insurance should pay for them, if he has insurance, or you can sue him for personal injury. In any case, the police will come and he'll get fined.

The nausea and vomiting are indications that you may have increased intracranial pressure - go to an ER, Cook County, if you can. Any changes in level of arousal (lethargy) or vision changes (double vision, blurring, etc.) warrant a 911 call. Sorry to be firm on this -

If you have automobile insurance, or if you are covered on the automobile insurance of another person or company, then your accident is likely covered under the uninsured motorist coverage provision of that policy. You are the victim of a hit and run.

As it seems like you received at least minimal care and will be making a full recovery, it might be a good time to focus on *prevention* so this doesn't happen again.

For the record, I was doored a couple months ago for the first time in 10 years of commuter bicycling in the city. I was pretty proud of myself for my safety record until I looked away from "straight ahead" for a split second and smacked into a door just opened by someone. I did not fall to the ground and was only minimally bruised on an upper arm, or so I thought until the next day. Long story, but off-topic.

The reason *anyone* gets doored is because he or she is riding too close to the parked cars (I was). Read up on the Chicago City Bike Ordinances... there is considerable justification for riding out in the middle of the lane away from the parked cars. See these: lane

Notice the references to "sub-standard lane widths"... if the lane is not wide enough to *safely* accommodate both a bicycle and a motor vehicle, the bike is allowed to take the entire lane. Of course, it should be considered that most car drivers are probably not aware of this. Still, my experience is that even if the driver honks at me, they will give me a wide berth as they pass... probably better than trying to weasel past me in the same lane, forcing me too close to the parked cars. I learned my lesson!

A couple other suggestions for helpful equipment: a rear-view mirror is essential, I think; also, a compressed-air-powered horn has come in handy several times. ;-)

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!

Steve Weeks, DDS


The frustrations of getting doored continue for a long time. I was doored on Ridge in Rogers Park on November 1, 2010. I called 911 when the guy in the car woudn't. Took a ride in the ambulance (with my bike, which was good). No cops showed up, and I never got any information from the doorer. In May 2012, I got a call from a collection agency hired by the City. I asked them to mail me a bill. No bill came. In June 2012, I called Department of Revenue. I was told a bill would be faxed to my office. No bill came. Today, I got into a shouting match with Department of Revnue. Woman there told me she could not send me a bill, because the file "has been referred to collection." I called the collection agency and asked to have the bill faxed. I was told that would take time because it had to be cleared with an attorney. I want to pay my bill, but they make it really hard. And the City is going to pay a chunk of what I end up paying to a collection agency for no reason.

Hey guys with the recent replies please read the discussion from from the first page and pay close attention to the dates... maybe I should edit the thread title.

And again thanks for all the help and support. I feel a bit better and I've got a follow up appointment to see a doctor in like a month Community Health Clinic on Chicago ave.

If only all car makers would make all their doors open this way!!! Or at least slide open like van doors.

Glad to hear you're doing ok. Your health is most important here. Secondly how is your bicycle running? I and I'm sure many others would be willing to help you fix it or replace it when and if you're up for riding in the future.

I like Physicians Immediate Care. No appointment necessary they have about 6 locations around the city.
No waiting like in an emergency room, which for most bike accidents that you can walk or ride away from, you could wait forever in an ER, and owe a lot when you leave...
Staff are really kind and efficient. They helped me after my crash and I've been going there for years....
Reasonable fees, the take credit may be able to negotiate fee....
I also recommend dr. Kim Beith at totalwellness for chiropractic care, which may help you head and neck pain. You may feel worse in the second week, too. I hope you feel better soon.


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