I have been able to pull up to the B.K. drive-thru and get a couple burgers on the way home from a late ride...no problem. The McDonalds at Elston and Irving park also served me on my Bike many times.

But last night, I was refused service at McDonalds,Wendys and Burger King, at the Drive-tru.

At one of the places, there was a sign/sticker by the window that read "no walk-up orders take"...but I didn't walk up...I rode my bicycle.

Maybe it's all for the best that I not eat at these places, but at this point it feels like i'm being discriminated against for my mode of transportation.

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Robbery?  How is "refusing service" going to help robbery?     Is it possible to refuse robbery?  Once a bike has pulled up to a drive-up window their chance to prevent a possible hold-up is over.  They are already there.  Telling them to leave at that point isn't going to help anything -whether they are a robber or not. 

The real trick to this is getting the hang of getting your bike to trigger the sensor, which are sometimes visible in the pavement. It'll look like a rectangle with diagonal lines going through the corners, cut into the ground near the speaker. If you can see it, plant your bike wheel on one of those lines and order through the speaker. Then by the time you get to the window the whole process is already underway and it's too late for them to start complaining about it then.

My neighbor has a nice backyard garden, and of course bikes are welcome.  Not nearly enough to supply all of CL, but I'm sure she'd be happy to set someone up with some produce if interested.  

Also, fast food places may think folks on bikes are like pedestrians in the drive-through lanes. Usually they are vagrants panhandling in line.

Just the other day, I saw a driver throw his fast food trash out his window. And what was he driving? A hummer...

It's nice living on a busy intersection so I see all this from my living room window.  I should just keep a carton of eggs on hand for times like this. Or a bucket of war rocks, ala homer simpson.

Jeff Schneider said:

I think drive-thru anything is an eyesore, a traffic hazard (think the McDonalds on Clark near Diversey) and in the case of fast food, a big source of litter (just watch the drivers unwrap their burgers and throw the trash out the window as they drive away).  I try hard not to do business with any of them.


Still something I hope for; acceptance at the "bike-thru" window! Recent article 8-19-16.

If refused service, I just sit there and wait for the people who have already ordered behind me to get pissed and leave. It happens EVERY time.  I can usually time it so I leave before the cops get there. They got me once, and guess what, I was told to leave. They have better things to do than deal with whiny fast food employees who don't want to serve someone. 

The drive-thru at Dairy Queen in Lake Geneva has sold me a cone a few times after a ride. I ride up to the drive-thru and they are very nice about it.

This is why they don't want us at the drive-thru window.

That is only funny until it happens to you! :)

I rode through a drive-thru yesterday to get a sandwich and a bottle of water. The woman in the car in front of me paid for my order! I guess some people are happy to see bikes after all. :)

After the week you had, I am glad to hear you had something nice happen like this. Even small, good things are nice. 


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