My Yakima bike rack was stolen last night from the top of my car parked
on Leland Ave just east of Sheridan in Uptown. It was locked to the top
of my car and someone used a pry bar to force it off. It has two locking
Steelhead trays (which were also locked rendering the rack virtually
useless to a thief), a front wheel mount (fork), and a fairing which had
a bunch of faded stickers on the back of it and brand new stainless
steel hardware. I can describe the stickers in more detail if someone
sees something like this around.

Please contact me if anyone sees something. NO QUESTIONS ASKED REWARD IF FOUND/RETURNED.

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Ah Uptown........I wonder if a scrapper ripped it from your car for scrap?
I'm doubting it due to the amount of effort they would have had to go through to remove it. But who knows.
Wow. That completely sucks. I park on Leland as well but way west of you at Wolcott and I'm always worried the very few times I leave the rack on my car overnight. Sorry to hear this.
Ouch! That really sucks.
Thanks for your help!
That would be really interesting if that is the stolen rack because of it being useless from the Steelhead trays missing.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
I dont know what a steelhead tray is...

I'm just trying to help a brother out. If he determines it's not his rack, so be it.

Go Fuck yourself.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
That would be really interesting if that is the stolen rack because of it being useless from the Steelhead trays missing.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
What the hell? I was just pointing something out that Tristan noted in his (her?) original post.

"It has two locking Steelhead trays (which were also locked rendering the rack virtually
useless to a thief)"

I have no idea why you took it as an insult to you.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
I dont know what a steel headtray is...

I just trying to help a brother out. If he determines it's not it rack, so be it.

Go Fuck yourself.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
That would be really interesting if that is the stolen rack because of it being useless from the Steelhead trays missing.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
My apologies. I took it differently.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
What the hell? I was just pointing something out that Tristan noted in his (her?) original post.

"It has two locking Steelhead trays (which were also locked rendering the rack virtually
useless to a thief)"

I have no idea why you took it as an insult to you.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
I dont know what a steel headtray is...

I just trying to help a brother out. If he determines it's not it rack, so be it.

Go Fuck yourself.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
That would be really interesting if that is the stolen rack because of it being useless from the Steelhead trays missing.

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:

Hi Tristan, 

I just had the same thing happen to me in Wicker Park! $800 of rack equipment stolen right off the top of my car:( I wanted to give you some info regarding what I found out regarding the possible theif. Please write me personally at Thanks. 

That sucks. Possibility of theft is one reason my wife and I didn't invest in a roof system or tow-hitch.

Our trunk-clip rack is janky for sure, but I can remove it when I'm done with the bike and take it inside.


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