I'm moving to Chicago (near Armitage and Sheffield) in 2 weeks. Right now I live in Atlanta. Plenty of roads, all kinds of terrain, few cars (if you find the right roads). I'm a little nervous and overwhelmed coming to Chicago and trying to find a place to ride bikes. I've looked around on this site and checked out a few others. Is there a place where good rides in the area are already mapped out so I can look at a few of them? I don't want to have to map them out on my own based on a cue sheet (I don't even know any street names!) Any in-town group rides?

Thanks for the help!

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Dan,  what types of group riding do you want to do? Long distance rides, fast training rides or more social rides from place to place in the city?

Hey Dan, welcome (almost) to Chicago. You found the chainlink and that's a good start.
There are lots of group rides, for examples, check out the Chicago Cycling Club ride schedule at http://chicagocyclingclub.org/Home/RideSchedule.

Thanks guys! Most interested in some long distance rides, some training rides. I'm not trying to race anytime soon, but I like a ride with some challenges.

For recreational riding, check out the forest preserves.  The Lakefront trail will start to clear out in September, but is okay right now outside of weekends and evening hours. 

The Active Transportation  Alliance publishes a map of bike routes, paths and recommended routes in the Chicagoland area.  You should find it useful. 

Also if you don't have a car, or even if you do, Metra, the Chicago area commuter railroad can get you out of the city and to some fairly rural areas with light traffic.  From the Clybourn station near you, you can get all the way out to Harvard, Illinois or Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Well if you want to race, check here...http://www.chicagobikeracing.com/

Lots of training rides posted there too.

Dan Podratsky said:

Thanks guys! Most interested in some long distance rides, some training rides. I'm not trying to race anytime soon, but I like a ride with some challenges.

That's pretty much exactly what I was looking for! Although I'll probably have to just try and hang on for a few until I see what my average speed really is. I'm guessing probably a B1 pace (20-ish average). It's hard to tell in Atlanta, despite not seeming like a "hilly" city, there are only a few flat rides. The weekday ride I've been doing is about 32 miles and has 2,700 feet of climbing!

Tiberculosis said:

Well if you want to race, check here...http://www.chicagobikeracing.com/

Lots of training rides posted there too.

Dan Podratsky said:

Thanks guys! Most interested in some long distance rides, some training rides. I'm not trying to race anytime soon, but I like a ride with some challenges.

There are lots of high quality rides and group rides that start just north of Chicago (Evanston, Wilmette) and head towards Wisconsin and back along Lake Michigan.  Many are seriously long rides 50-100 miles every weekend.  For example, lots of rides start at Plaza del Lago north of Evanston on the weekends.  Evanston Bike Club is pretty casual riding if you aren't in shape to race yet.  Race type group rides are organized by most of the local shops and other clubs.  Some of these rides are in the link already posted.  Welcome to Chicago!

I grew up in Atlanta and i cant say i ever thought of it as not hilly...True, its not like the Rockies but it ain't Chicago!

Yea I'm kind of sad giving up the terrain variablility I have here. Maybe I can use it as an excuse to get a TT bike and start training...

David P. said:

I grew up in Atlanta and i cant say i ever thought of it as not hilly...True, its not like the Rockies but it ain't Chicago!

Plenty of hills in the Fox, Rock, and Illinois River valleys, southern Wisco, Carroll and JoDaviess counties,  if you're inclined to drive or ride the train to get to them.   If you're the type to drive out after work on Friday and spend the weekend exploring, you can find lots of nice places to ride. 


I just moved from savannah, grew up in atlanta, and I found it pretty easy to make the trasition to cycling up here...you have your same usual assholes who are in a rush, but theres seems to be more bike lanes here and more cyclists overall.

Good luck.


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