As cyclists we have a natural fan.  But I do find that it's a bit harder to breathe out there these days.


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Yeah it's important to take it easy, feel free to take the extra time to bike slower and not exhaust yourself. I do feel like my face is permanantly sun tan though. Any paticular sunscreen I should use?

I don't wear sunscreen as often as I should so I don't have a rec. Good reminder though.

Marco Rayos said:

Yeah it's important to take it easy, feel free to take the extra time to bike slower and not exhaust yourself. I do feel like my face is permanantly sun tan though. Any paticular sunscreen I should use?

Re sunscreen- I recently found a spray on product that is SPF 30- Banana Boat Sport Performance coolzone.

One week in, it seems to be working very well. I would recommend it.

I don't use sun screen as much as I should either- since this is a spray- it is one less excuse.

Just don't apply sunscreen above your cheek bone or your eyes will burn like Hades.

Sunscreen--unless you have sensitive skin on your face anything with an SPF of 30 or higher.  There is a brand called "No-AD" that I first found in Florida but now seems to be available in grocery and drug stores here that is the cheapest thing around.  Since my poor face hates things on it, I use Clinique for face. 

I am prone to serious sunburn if I don't use sunscreen religiously. I am currently using Neutrogena Ultra Sport spray-on sunscreen in the highest SPF I can find (I usually use 70-100spf and at the minimum, a 50SPF). So far, no burning, but I actually end up tanning through it which is a nice surprise.  I don't usually do well in the heat, but at least the breeze created by cycling seems to cool me enough to tolerate it, and I have just been commuting at a slower pace than I would if the weather was a tad bit cooler.  I also drink water like a fish to keep hydrated.  To me, the heat isn't so bad as long as you know your limitations. 

I try to use sunscreen every day. the spray stuff isn't so great but better than nothing and easier to put on.

I did not take it too seriously when younger, but I've known too many people with melanoma which can go down deep inside. One friend had to have a big tumor taken out of his brain, I didn't know that melanoma even went down inside your body!

What heat?

maybe sat night?  Hoosiers is playing at Jonquil Park though. 

h' said:

Sounds like a perfect day to go catch the Grant Park Symphony.

Gatorade is my new drink of choice. 

I'm not sure if this is a tmi but this happened to me earlier this week.

Exercise induced nausea is a feeling of sickness or vomiting which can occur shortly after exercise has stopped as well as during exercise itself. It may be a symptom of either over exertion during exercise, or from too abruptly ending an exercise session. People engaged in high intensity exercise such as aerobics and bicycling have reported suffering from exercise induced nausea. A study of 20 volunteers conducted at Nagoya University, Japan associated a higher degree of exercise induced nausea after eating. It has been suggested that exercise induced nausea could be caused by increased endorphin levels, which are released while exercising. Endorphins have been associated with nausea and vomiting, so this theory is plausible, but unsupported by evidence.

Another possible cause of exercise induced nausea is water logging, another word for overhydration. Drinking too much water before, during, and/or after exercise (or at any time) can cause nausea, diarrhea, confusion, and muscle tremors. If the overhydration is significant enough, it can be fatal. Excessive water consumption reduces or dilutes electrolyte levels in the body. It is encouraged to control your level of water intake when working out, and also to eat salty snacks when you have consumed too much water (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are electrolytes).

Yesterday was a perfect, perfect night for this!


h' said:

Sounds like a perfect day to go catch the Grant Park Symphony.

I definitely drink more water on days like yesterday and Tuesday. I started bringing a water bottle to work for just that reason.


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