I'm going home to N.O. for a week for the holidays and just found out my go-to pet sitter isn't around to tend to my three cats. Does anyone have any recommendations? High marks to those who can visit twice a day. Thanks!

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Who do you normally use? I mostly ask my friends, but when I want to give them a break, or I'm away for a longer time, my go-to pet sitter is Andersonville Pet Sitting. Tina, who visits my little guys (cats), is great. Her number is 773-852-8301.
I will be pet sitting 2 cats near Byron and Lincoln Ave from the 23rd thru the 28th, most likely just staying in the neighborhood at well. I can be available if is along the line of that area within 2-3 miles and during that period. I will give a price when I have dates and specific task list. Experience and references with animals and plenty of love to give. I can be reached at 773-343-4500 or send me a note off list. I am your best friend to the ones you love, seriously. Marty Tountas
You could drop them off at my place, I'm sure my kitten would love some more friends!
Something I made about 6 years ago, I hope you like it.
tell us what neighborhood you're in... ?
I'm trying to convince my cat to join bikewinter....

Jessica from Lulu's Kitty Care watches my three cats and comes twice a day. They like her and she sometimes emails cute pictures of them. www.lulukittycare.com.
Rami the cat will pet sit for Rabbits!

I'm bumping this one up.  We have a number of chainlinkers now who petsit and dog walk. 

I use Urban Retreat Petsitters and they are great.  My X used to run a pet-sitting business when I lived in WI so I know a thing or two about the industry.  The owner is really great. I can't recommend her enough.

Here is her Yelp Review.

The sitter we got last time commuted to our place on bike. I don't know if he is a CL member but he is a bike commuter. 

Disapproving Rabbit iz disapproving. (sorry, not helpful, I know!) 

Julie Hochstadter said:

Rami the cat will pet sit for Rabbits!


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