Is one of the new members sending spam?

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I was wondering the same thing- I received the same message from all the groups I have joined- something about health insurance, all from the same member you linked above.

Like Melanie K said, they spammed just about every group I'm a member of here at the chiainlink.  I think I got the same spam message about 12 times from various groups.

I would say so. I got like 10 emails. Will eradicate :))

It is too bad that Ning software can't sense that someone (someTHING)  is posting the identical message in multiple places -a clear indication of spamming by any definition.  

totally.  Or at least if I could get an alert when a user joins multiple groups in a short amount of time.  In most situations it's legit, but we can then check out the profile. 

Suggesting that right now....

James BlackHeron said:

It is too bad that Ning software can't sense that someone (someTHING)  is posting the identical message in multiple places -a clear indication of spamming by any definition.  

hey all, this shouldn't happen anymore. I was able to change a setting so only the group creator can send a message to a group. I didn't realize Ning had that feature. They've actually been adding useful features for awhile.  On the to-do list!

Thank you!

Julie Hochstadter said:

hey all, this shouldn't happen anymore. I was able to change a setting so only the group creator can send a message to a group. I didn't realize Ning had that feature. They've actually been adding useful features for awhile.  On the to-do list!

I'm in the process of editing each group.  We have a lot, but I'm through about half.  Sucks that this happened, we've been semi spam free for the most part for the last 4 years.

I'm trying not to be upset about it, but it is embarrassing.... 

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Thanks, Julie :)

Julie Hochstadter said:

I'm in the process of editing each group.  We have a lot, but I'm through about half.  Sucks that this happened, we've been semi spam free for the most part for the last 4 years.

Group members can still post messages to their group's "main board" though -right?  And start new threads in the group?  I'd hate to see groups locked down so that they become nothing less than notification lists for the group administrator. 

Still, if someone is "following" the main board of the grous they are in someone could still "spam" that -or spam every thread on the first 2 or 3 pages of the forum so everyone "following" those threads gets spammed too. 


Spammers gonna spam I guess.  Thank you Julie for painstakingly putting a fix on this type of spam at least.  What a PITA for you on a Monday morning, especially since it is the first Monday of B2WW. 

Julie Hochstadter said:

hey all, this shouldn't happen anymore. I was able to change a setting so only the group creator can send a message to a group. I didn't realize Ning had that feature. They've actually been adding useful features for awhile.  On the to-do list!

James - good questions.  

It just means members can't send a message via email to all the members of a group unless they started the group.

Group members can still post on the group page/main board, start new discussions, etc. in the group.

It just means Pat Wenworth can't send an email to everyone's inbox anymore :)

James BlackHeron said:

Group members can still post messages to their group's "main board" though -right?  And start new threads in the group?  I'd hate to see groups locked down so that they become nothing less than notification lists for the group administrator. 

Still, if someone is "following" the main board of the grous they are in someone could still "spam" that -or spam every thread on the first 2 or 3 pages of the forum so everyone "following" those threads gets spammed too. 


Spammers gonna spam I guess.  Thank you Julie for painstakingly putting a fix on this type of spam at least.  What a PITA for you on a Monday morning, especially since it is the first Monday of B2WW. 

Julie Hochstadter said:

hey all, this shouldn't happen anymore. I was able to change a setting so only the group creator can send a message to a group. I didn't realize Ning had that feature. They've actually been adding useful features for awhile.  On the to-do list!

That sounds great then.  It's amazing that Ning had it set up that way by default.  Maybe over the years things changed as the system evolved and old defaults became somewhat backwards with the newer forum software and added features.

Thanks again for Juilie for taking her time to go through the settings of every single group (there must be a few  hundred of them) and updating each one. That couldn't have been a fun way to start the week.


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