I saw this on Everyblock and suggested that they post on Chicago Stolen Bike Registry- Just a heads up to keep a look out, as it is a very unique machine. Just worried whoever stole it will part it out or trash it, which would be  a tragedy. 




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Thanks for posting, Melanie! I'm not going to give up hope that we'll find my wife's handcycle. My flyer is attached. - Kevin

I was able to open the PDF when I went to the link using my smartphone, so I'm not sure why you couldn't open it. If anyone wants the flyer, please email me at kevinirvineefe@yahoo.com and I would be happy to send it to you directly! Thanks, all. - Kevin

Bikewinter-kickoff-Thursday! said:

Hmm-- nothing happens when I click the .pdf link.

(edit-- may be on my end-- same with external .pdfs)

Kevin, if you want to join the Critical Mass list here are the instructions:

<You can sign up for the listserv by email by sending e-mail to listserv@listserv.uic.edu. Type "subscribe chi-crit-mass Your Name" in the body of the letter.>

The Yahoogroup was only created as an archive because the UIC archives have not been reliable.



I created a compressed version of my flyer when I realized that the first is unnecessarily big at 4.3 MB. Hopefully, this will be easier for folks to use & share. Thanks!
I hope that someone finds it - intact - and that it comes back to you soon!
I distributed the "Stolen Purple Handcycle" flyer to a few guys who were hanging out at City Scrap Metal LLC - the woman from CSM said that they don't buy bikes because of the theft problem but directed me to these guys who she said do buy bikes. We're still hoping it turns up somewhere. Thanks for your help, everyone!
Mentioned in Time Out Chicago this week.  Link here.

Hi everyone - Well, my wife never recovered her handcycle but she was able to replace it in time for this year's Bike The Drive! http://ow.ly/i/EW1B 

Sorry you weren't able to recover it, but I'm glad she's back on a bike! 

Kevin Irvine said:

Hi everyone - Well, my wife never recovered her handcycle but she was able to replace it in time for this year's Bike The Drive! http://ow.ly/i/EW1B 


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