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What's funny is that they don't blame him for high gas prices, but they're still angry with him about it.


uhhh. what? Where is the logic in that? If you're going to lash out, lash out at the developing countries that are eating up all the demand.

Don't worry, a nice little war with Iran this early summer will seal his re-election chances.

All Obama needs to do is wave his magic wand and tell the Chinese and Indians to stop (literally) driving up the demand. Presidents are sun-gods, and they can do that.

Oh are gas prices up?

It is not surprising, but still a little puzzling to me, how so many people think that the US president can do anything about gasoline prices. Understandable since it is a non-trivial cost for so many Americans, and one that is very visible. Puzzling because it's oil is a globally-traded commodity. Some of us here drive, too, though - almost all of my driving is out-of-town trips, but I certainly notice it when I do drive. I'm young, but plenty old enough to remember the last time it was ~$1/gal. Never mind the country of my birth, where it still costs ~$0.25/gal. Yikes.


Humans = Stupid. Human News = REALLY Stupid. ;-) A friend posted a pic of a gas station on Monday that was almost at 5 bux a gallon for something or other. I replied "Buy a bike." Very next reply was "Blame Obama! Oh and All you idiots that voted for him..." It went on. Humanity is failing. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :-)

I love how we're all about the free market until it makes gas prices high.

The price of oil has a lot to do with the value of the dollar -something the president might have a bit of say on since he has a lot of power over the Fed. 

Just sayin'

Also, we don't have anything like a "free market" or true capitalism.  What exists in the USA is a "crony-capitalist" system -one in which the Executive Branch is sitting in the top chair.  

I'm talking more about the opinions of Americans, not about reality.

Ha! good point!

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

I love how we're all about the free market until it makes gas prices high.

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned Wall Street Speculation in this thread.


Side story:  my oldest son has graduated college and is working and must use a car (my car).  So, I am exclusively bike and CTA to get to work, somewhat depending on the weather, etc.


So I am loving my bike even more.  I haven't bought gas since sometime in 2011...

I ride a bike.


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